Yes. My sister is autistic, and my mom and dad are very open with it.
Still, I am a man, and I can't stand to be seen as vulnerable. I hate autism, and AS. Growing up, I witnessed my sister go through a lot of bad s**t just because she had autism (not abuse, just daily struggles with life) and because of that, I don't think I will ever see autism in a positive light. Sure, I can pretend to around my family, but between these forums and me, I hate it. If someone I knew that I wasn't comfortable around knew I had AS, I'd probably die.
People don't fully understand what autism and AS are. If they did, I wouldn't be so worried about people hearing me having it. But humans are stupid, petty creatures (despite the enormous brains we have by comparison to other animals) What they don't understand, they fear, and what they fear, they want to either leave, die, or alienate. Not everyone is a terrible person like that, but I don't want to play Russian roulette with my social status right now. People see me as smart, attentive, and generally flawless. I like that, and I cherish having that reputation... I don't want to lose it.