kiwigoddess wrote:
In my experience, its more important to have quality relationships (for however long they last) then It is to worry about keeping them. Ive had some of the best experience with some of the greatest people I have ever met. Some times the encounter only lasts for a matter of hours, sometimes a few years. But its the connection that matters. not the length or amount.
I love what you said there.
I've had a couple real friends, I definitely had them in High School, but that was a long time ago. I've been friends with one dude about 10 years or so.
But, relationships come and go, and I'm in an irritatingly horrid slump right. I also started good relationships post- High School that could've blossomed into something great, but then I screwed myself over. However, burned bridges are in the past, I have to get over them and move on.
As to Kiwigoddesses words of wisdom, my only problem with having temporary relationships is that I spend too much time alone with my thoughts, and they're usually not all that pleasant.