daspie wrote:
Clyde wrote:
CaptainTrips222 wrote:
Somebody missed their anger management session.
No I just don't think you should be spouting misinformation without looking over it some more. And maybe making your own observations. Don't come in here and say this, when it isn't even true. Do some more research.
There are people with asperger's who are egotistic just as NTs. I guess egotism among aspies is less than that among NTs. However, since we lack empathy we come off as being rude which also due to lack of the knowledge of the local language skills which I learned and which I dicussed in the thread whose link one can see in my signature.
For e.g. I did not know someone's name and instead of asking her name directly, please was not in my dictionary at that time, I thought of expressing my lack of knowledge to not come off as being rude and I asked"I do not know your name." She was angry at me. Later I realize what that meant.
Phrase "Don't know your name." was also directed at her personally , rule 1 which meant she did not know her name which further meant she did not know who her parents were and therefore she was illegitmate.
Those of us who are egotistic face more problem than those who are not. We must be physically strong as a first prerequisite, should learn intonation, knowhow to ask question politely and also learn local language rules together with mind reading abilites which are difficult to learn than the local language rules, writing from experience.
Yes. I know this because I have these problems. I get annoyed though. I always feel it's insincere to write ideas like this down, when I have known plenty of people and me myself who has fought of bullying. And the bullying of authority. I have survived. And I hate when people say s**t like this because of some stupid study.
Logic, logic is suppose to be questioned. I don't care if it is a study. You question study, you don't put it down as fact. You don't say, oh cause a study said this it's true.
No. It doesn't work that way. The study. Before ever tell anyone this kind of information, is suppose to be put to the test. If logic falls through cracks, then it isn't true. If logic and the study don't fall. Then it's good.
I prefer when people question an idea. Rather then just putting it down as fact. Because it isn't.
I don't want any of my efforts, any of the things I have done in my past, and all the things I have done to stay living in this world to be shat on by someone who just blindly believes information they are given.