Tiggurix wrote:
I have never understood why I can't talk about things like menstruation cycles and other parts of the workings of the female body with women. I'm only curious and eager to learn more about it from them, but somehow they find it incredibly improper.
hahahaha, thats hilarious, women find this whole menstrual cycle a personal thing, and they find it uncomfortable to talk about it with men. For me personally, if a guy friend wanted to know about it, id be ok with talking about. Besides, i dont think most men are interested or arent suppose to me. But I did have a guy friend who was really curious about it and he'd always talk about his sister having a heavy flow. But he got away with this cause he was gay.
CrinklyCrustacean wrote:
2) You are not allowed to ask a woman how old she is, but if you are a man, it is perfectly fine for her to ask how old you are.
really? I asked my prof(whos a male) how old he was, and he got offended. And there was this other time where he asked me how old I thought he was and I said 50, err that didnt go down so well
necroluciferia wrote:
I don't get how going to nightclubs or pubs where music is played can be an appropriate place for a social gathering. Hang out with friends or meeting new people in a place where the music is so loud you can't actually have a conversation without constantly shouting "WHAT?" after every sentence and having to shout your response directly into the persons ear. What's the point?
Err I never quite understood that one either. I dont understand how u meet people, but just hanging with friends doing stupid things and dancing can be fun. As for meeting people goes, its heavily fueled by superficial attraction as far as I know.
Cicely wrote:
You eat with your mouth, you talk with your mouth, and it's rude to talk with your mouth full. So why is eating considered a social activity?
Ahh s**t, I found myself talking with food in my mouth a lot these past few months. I dont know why? I dont normally do it. NT's generally find it disgusting