neongrl wrote:
I'm kinda surprised at the results here too. I thought most aspies would be the same as me - I'm much more comfortable around guys. (I'm female.) I think the biggest reason is that girls are so social, so talkative. I'm not much of a talker and that seems to be more acceptable around guys. Girls tend to take it the wrong way if you're too quiet, they think you don't like them. And I'm usually not very interested in female conversation topics. My interests are more the kind of thing that guys would want to talk about, so I'm more likely to talk around guys. Also with girls there tends to be more nonverbals, more small talk, and there's the whole emotional side of things...
Well, I can say that I did go from one opposit end to the other almost in terms of being like pretty much everyone else on my list untill I was getting into my later years of highschool and it started to flip. Then again I've always had at least some female friends or aquaintences IRL but usually they've been friend's girlfriends so it hardly feels like it counts (though I've also always had enough work aquaintences as well where I liked seeing em there, we'd always be friendly and even have conversations on things to an extent we just never hung out). My theory when I look arround here and then look at my own changes it seems like women are mostly nice to guys who are on that end where they pretty much are girls in a guy's body (straight or otherwise) whereas if a guy starts showing the need to carry and conduct himself like a guy, especially if he shoots off in more of that adult direction and even try to intertwine intelligence into it rather than being kind of a clown or a pig about it, things tend to go the other way and guys will like him more on his honor and things they respect whereas women will see one more guy who's put his mind over his emotions and they look at him as he's going through this change like he's destroying everything they liked about him in the first place. Of course it seems like there's other factors but its almost like the more seriously a guy takes himself or the value of things in life, even if he does laugh things off pretty well, things get polarized.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.