Who has worse disorder in this case? NTs or aspie
When I called the girl a bully, I meant that she was the one teasing me in that instance. The sheep are the other children who laugh and join in (sometimes) but don't initiate it or go as far as the bully. They don't because they know the difference and seem to have less reason to be so mean other than the social benefit of belonging.
I am talking about 7 and 8 year olds. They don't have a past. These are girls I knew very well, I'm not talking in abstracts. So I don't really get "the past is no excuse. . ." part of your reply.
I am talking about 7 and 8 year olds. They don't have a past. These are girls I knew very well, I'm not talking in abstracts. So I don't really get "the past is no excuse. . ." part of your reply.
Technically, that reply was in the past as was a minute ago. Everybody has a past. If they're 7 or 8 years old, then they have seven or eight years of history of their lifetime, no?
I am talking about 7 and 8 year olds. They don't have a past. These are girls I knew very well, I'm not talking in abstracts. So I don't really get "the past is no excuse. . ." part of your reply.
Technically, that reply was in the past as was a minute ago. Everybody has a past. If they're 7 or 8 years old, then they have seven or eight years of history of their lifetime, no?
I'm not playing a semantics game. Said bullies were 7-8 years old and living in troubled homes. They were acting out because of their environment. To say that they can't "blame their past" for their behavior doesn't make sense. One girl changed her ways within a year of the bullying and then became estranged to me again once her family dynamics worsened. The other girl changed her ways in 6th grade when she was "put in her place" so to speak.
People never are, after a certain point.
The AS person has the worse disorder because he is the one with the problems dealing with society while the NTs have no problems with that issue, it may be stated that this cruelty is wrong, however, disorder is best measured through problems functioning and possibly even ease in treating the problem not by whether or not an action fits one's moral ideal. This is not to excuse the NTs as they are in the wrong for violating another person's wishes and freedom and as such deserve immediate action to address their wrongs while the aspie has done nothing wrong in this instance(although even if the aspie retaliated it would still be the NTs who would be more wrong for instigating trouble in this case).
Anyone would have problems dealing with society if they constantly get gip from it, no matter what their neurological wiring is. Certain groups may be more prne to getting mocked by it but that's btp.
And while it would be the NTs who would be more wrong, from my expericence, the NTs would get in less, yes you read that right, lesss trouble. In my expercience, the provacation is missed, or ignored an astounding number of times.
And while it would be the NTs who would be more wrong, from my expericence, the NTs would get in less, yes you read that right, lesss trouble. In my expercience, the provacation is missed, or ignored an astounding number of times.
It is not as if society will ever stop being loud, nor is it as if society will ever stop being cruel, so therefore adaptation to the flaws in society is a must. A disorder is pretty much a condition that prevents the individual from functioning within their society effectively and a hypersensitivity to loud noises can effectively function as that, while a cruelty that is suppressable(the NTs in this situation are not likely to have psychotic disorders although if they did that would be the greater disorder) may not lead to these problems. In a society that thrives on quietness and order AS might not be a disorder, however, this is not that society and therefore AS is a disorder. The NTs can function within their society with only minor problems, the AS person will likely have greater problems.
You are right, NTs are likely to get in less trouble. I never said that they wouldn't and I am not going to say that such is right.
Probably more incompetent than sick. It is not like many people actually know what they are dealing with or the ideal ways to handle it to ensure the best outcomes. The AS kid is more likely to be seen as uncooperative or as special ed than anything else and that is probably part of the problem.
And while it would be the NTs who would be more wrong, from my expericence, the NTs would get in less, yes you read that right, lesss trouble. In my expercience, the provacation is missed, or ignored an astounding number of times.
It is not as if society will ever stop being loud, nor is it as if society will ever stop being cruel, so therefore adaptation to the flaws in society is a must. A disorder is pretty much a condition that prevents the individual from functioning within their society effectively and a hypersensitivity to loud noises can effectively function as that, while a cruelty that is suppressable(the NTs in this situation are not likely to have psychotic disorders although if they did that would be the greater disorder) may not lead to these problems. In a society that thrives on quietness and order AS might not be a disorder, however, this is not that society and therefore AS is a disorder. The NTs can function within their society with only minor problems, the AS person will likely have greater problems.
You are right, NTs are likely to get in less trouble. I never said that they wouldn't and I am not going to say that such is right.
Yeh,well, go ask the person who said 'Adapting to a sick society is no achievement.'
Anyway, how do you know it's a hypersenstivity on the aspie's part rather than an undersentivity on the part of the NTs?
Hypothetical situation:
There is a group of cardassians and a group of humans. Humans have sharper hearing than Cardassians. There is a [what would be to humans, NT or otherwise] loud annoying noise. Cardassians don't hear it as their hearing is less sharp. They see the way the humans react and decide to really give them aggro about it.
Oh wait, I forget. They're not going to stop being cruel about it. So we'll have to adapt to society's flaws. ((i.e. tolerate it and not put up a fight.))
Anyway, how do you know it's a hypersenstivity on the aspie's part rather than an undersentivity on the part of the NTs?
Hypothetical situation:
There is a group of cardassians and a group of humans. Humans have sharper hearing than Cardassians. There is a [what would be to humans, NT or otherwise] loud annoying noise. Cardassians don't hear it as their hearing is less sharp. They see the way the humans react and decide to really give them aggro about it.
Oh wait, I forget. They're not going to stop being cruel about it. So we'll have to adapt to society's flaws. ((i.e. tolerate it and not put up a fight.))
And not adapting is? If this individual does not adapt then they will likely have future problems and might never progress to become a functioning individual and being a functioning individual is the most desirable thing for people in any society. I would say that it is hypersensitivity on the part of the aspie because the aspie is more likely to have more problems due to this aspect as society does not require kindness from individuals but it does require functioning.
The loud annoying noise is the problem of the humans and it makes them weaker in this situation than the cardassians and as such the humans are more disabled than the cardassians as this trait is detrimental. The cardassians may be wrong to give aggro but they are not the ones with the difficulties functioning and although their goals may be seen as wrong, there is no question given about their functionality in this situation.
Are you proposing that we devote massive amounts of resources to fix society when we can devote less resources to deal with the Aspies? There is a reason why cars move themselves and not the world in order to change their location in regards to its surface. I am not stating that needless cruelty is good, nor am I saying that broken rules should be tolerated, however, all individuals have to adapt to their flawed world no matter what they are neurologically, although we can encourage knowledge, we cannot force all individuals to accept us unconditionally nor is any individual accepted individually and as such we need to figure out how we can find our place in this world like any other person within a society.
Anyway, how do you know it's a hypersenstivity on the aspie's part rather than an undersentivity on the part of the NTs?
Hypothetical situation:
There is a group of cardassians and a group of humans. Humans have sharper hearing than Cardassians. There is a [what would be to humans, NT or otherwise] loud annoying noise. Cardassians don't hear it as their hearing is less sharp. They see the way the humans react and decide to really give them aggro about it.
Oh wait, I forget. They're not going to stop being cruel about it. So we'll have to adapt to society's flaws. ((i.e. tolerate it and not put up a fight.))
And not adapting is? If this individual does not adapt then they will likely have future problems and might never progress to become a functioning individual and being a functioning individual is the most desirable thing for people in any society. I would say that it is hypersensitivity on the part of the aspie because the aspie is more likely to have more problems due to this aspect as society does not require kindness from individuals but it does require functioning.
The loud annoying noise is the problem of the humans and it makes them weaker in this situation than the cardassians and as such the humans are more disabled than the cardassians as this trait is detrimental. The cardassians may be wrong to give aggro but they are not the ones with the difficulties functioning and although their goals may be seen as wrong, there is no question given about their functionality in this situation.
Are you proposing that we devote massive amounts of resources to fix society when we can devote less resources to deal with the Aspies? There is a reason why cars move themselves and not the world in order to change their location in regards to its surface. I am not stating that needless cruelty is good, nor am I saying that broken rules should be tolerated, however, all individuals have to adapt to their flawed world no matter what they are neurologically, although we can encourage knowledge, we cannot force all individuals to accept us unconditionally nor is any individual accepted individually and as such we need to figure out how we can find our place in this world like any other person within a society.
The loud annoying noise is not then the problem of whatever or whoever was responsible for it? The fact, is in order to adapt to cruelty, you first have to admit it is there. Once admitted, you cannot adapt to it without tolerating it. Society, for the most part, does require kindness, in its own limited way. Of course, school doesn't count but that's btp.
What I am proposing is that we need to see, as modern-day humans, that we have to attempt to even some things out. And for goodness sake, stop making up words to disguise, what, when from one adult to another would be totally unacceptable. We need to educate people.
Ignorance breeds intolerance and intolerance of any form is unacceptable. Maybe that should be emphaised in leglasation.
If you think about it, less resources are not currently helping. So maybe, it's time to try massive resources.
Surely, it would have made econamial and practial sense to spend the litte earlier rather than a fortune today? However, the fact is, the world now needs to spend a fortune, at least figuratively speaking. Surely, given the fact we missed the oppuruntiy to spend a little then rather than lots now, it makes sense to now spend a small fortune rather than a large or giant fortune later?
What I am proposing is that we need to see, as modern-day humans, that we have to attempt to even some things out. And for goodness sake, stop making up words to disguise, what, when from one adult to another would be totally unacceptable. We need to educate people.
Ignorance breeds intolerance and intolerance of any form is unacceptable. Maybe that should be emphaised in leglasation.
If you think about it, less resources are not currently helping. So maybe, it's time to try massive resources.
Surely, it would have made econamial and practial sense to spend the litte earlier rather than a fortune today? However, the fact is, the world now needs to spend a fortune, at least figuratively speaking. Surely, given the fact we missed the oppuruntiy to spend a little then rather than lots now, it makes sense to now spend a small fortune rather than a large or giant fortune later?
The loud annoying noise is not the problem of the responsible figure, it is them being a jerk as they do not have a problem with that noise. Cruelty will always exist, and it has to be adapted to, if that means tolerating some of it than so be it, we are not going to be able to change all of human nature. As well, kindness is not necessary, I don't have to be kind at all, I could be the most wicked person possible but so long as I follow the law and don't piss off the wrong people I can be fine and even succeed. Thankfully, I am not the mose wicked person in the world.
This world is flawed and we should work to get the rules enforced. However, I really don't know what you mean by acceptable, things that adults do to each other could be judged by some as unacceptable but that does not mean anything about the nature of such acts in accordance with the law. I can see a reason to educate educators to make sure that they act properly in order to deal with these things.
I can be as intolerant as I want without violating anybody's rights and I can hate any group I want and all groups that I want. It may not be morally correct, but I could go through life hating any group I feel I should hate for whatever ridiculous reason and I even have a right to do so unless we legislate thought-crime.
Massive resources have massive costs, we have a problem of economizing. It is best to use as little resources as possible to get as much done as possible. Resources do not come from nowhere they are drawn from other causes, and to give to one cause diminishes the power of another.
We never had an opportunity to spend less and there is not a problem between spending now or later. We are dealing with a problem that has always existed, and we should try to make sure that nobody's rights are violated, and we probably need to make sure that the problems of the AS person are dealt with as efficiently as possible, after all, they will run into the same problems outside of the school ground and nothing will be able to help them. If they are disturbed by some noise that other people don't really care about, people are going to wonder about their mental stability, so there needs to be ways to deal with that problem as we cannot order everyone in the world to accept this, if we did then there would be a backlash.
5 NTs (OFTEN MORE) against 1 aspie?
Let's level the playing field a bit here.
5 on 1, that's happened to me before. But now onto the topic at hand.
In that sisuation I'd still concider the AS to be the "disabled" one. However I'd consider the NT's to be the mentally inferior ones. Such behavior (which I've rarely if ever seen in Aspies) shows just how primative "Normal" people are.
(DISCLAIMER: the word "disabled" pisses me off, I have different abilities than a NT and thus am "Differently Abled".)
the best timber grows in a strong wind, the best people - in adversity
There is a playground. And there are several children in a playground. One aspie-child and some NT children.
NT children are playing and chattering.
Aspie child wants to play with them. But he can't stand these loud noises. He covers his ears with his hands, to protect himself from noise.
And NT children notice that. Some of them come close to aspie child and start to make loud noises specially for him.
Aspie child is scared, he doesn't know what to do.
NT children see that he is scared. So they continue to make noises, on purpose. They see that he feels very bad, and they make fun of him. They even don't let him go away. Some of them even tear his hands off and scream to his ear. They enjoy it.
And now a question,
if you didn't know anything about NT and AS, how would you answer
Who has worse disorder/abnormality in this case?
Aspie child, who is sensitive to noise?
NT children, who enjoy that they can make somebody feel bad, who are happy when they make other person feel bad?
(sorry for my bad English)
is this a true story that happened?
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