Did anyone ever stand up for you against bullies?

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Did anyone ever stand up for you against bullies?
Yes, I was protected against bullies at nearly all time 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Yes, I was protected against bullies at nearly all time 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Yes, someone protected me most of the time 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Yes, someone protected me most of the time 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Yes, somone protected me at a few occasions 23%  23%  [ 22 ]
Yes, somone protected me at a few occasions 23%  23%  [ 22 ]
No, never 24%  24%  [ 23 ]
No, never 24%  24%  [ 23 ]
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20 Aug 2006, 7:14 pm

I had "protection" from bullies at some points, tougher kids standing up for me and offering to beat up anyone who bothered me too much. Not all the time, though, unfortunately.

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21 Aug 2006, 6:08 am

Sometimes, but mostly never.

Even people that aren't bullies never stick up for me at all, i'm used to teh fact not many people do.


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21 Aug 2006, 6:37 am

My brother sorted a couple of people out and they never bullied me again.

But if you're talking about in my class, then no.

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22 Aug 2006, 12:02 pm

sometimes my friends protected me (this was in elementary school), but most of the time I had to fend for myself, which never worked,

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22 Aug 2006, 1:14 pm

nope never, i had to try and defend myself even though most of the time i was too scared to.


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22 Aug 2006, 4:45 pm

Some stood up from me teachers mostly but I tried to keep it to my self.

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22 Aug 2006, 7:00 pm

I stood up for me, does that count?

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22 Aug 2006, 10:10 pm

I never really got bullied really. But there was this one school I went to (for just one year, thankfully) when we moved, I was around 11 I think. There was this really large kid there, who I think of as a bully in denial. He followed me around and sought to avenge anything he perceived as a slight against me, and he plainly took pleasure in inflicting physical pain on his victims and humiliating them. And he perceived just about anything anyone said to me as an insult. I think I was just his excuse to attack people and still think of himself as a nice guy. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I was avoided like the plague. When he wasn't around sometimes the other kids would talk to me, and I'd hint about the relationship between me and my unwanted 'friend', but not too much - since I was just as scared of what he might do to me if he got wind of it.


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23 Aug 2006, 9:33 pm

I had a few problems, but not as bad as some of the less fortunate. There was a harmless guy with cerebral palsy who was often tortured. He had a rough time with speech and some body ticks. He was actually only mildly affected (most of the time) by his malady, so many didn't know he was so easy to injure, but I had known him since 2nd grade. They called him a ret*d, but he was smart as the next guy. He had spent more time in the hospitol than school for several years and was in a special class.

One day, (about a year after I had discovered that a viscious animal lived inside me, on another occasion of bullying against me) I was a sophomore in Hi School and after seeing my friend's, way too thick, already repaired with tape once, glasses get jerked off his face and smashed on the ground and his books thrown in the mud, I defended him against 2 large popular athletes. I don't know where my strength came from but I couldn't take it any longer, the fear in his face made something wake up inside me (In fact, after 32 years I'm still fighting back tears for him when I think of that day, but I don't have any empathy.) and knocked them both in the mud, fancy disco clothes and all.

Fortunately, I only had to do that once, because the biggest and most popular (senior) of all the "cool people" saw this and came to my rescue, before I got hurt. It was 'hands off Hector' (Hector was the sick boy) after that and I had earned a special 'token' place in the inner circle (I was a novelty for a few days) for standing up for him, plus the hands off order was enforced from within the "cool" circle, after that.

So on that day some things changed for a few people. It was no longer "cool" to harrass "lesser beings", if you wanted to be cool, too. It lasted almost a year, but after that crop of seniors graduated, it was business as usual with the jerks and I had made two enemies.

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24 Aug 2006, 2:47 pm

A few times I had the fortune to have a few good friends at school that eliminated some bullying . Unfortunately I had to resolve most of my problems my self luckily it only happened when I started a new school.

I was actually the one that tended to stick up for other people. I never thought it was right that people would randomly beat up on or tease others. Sadly this meant a few fights in which I very much dislike even to this day.

I was the sweet kind person in my school and although it did not earn you many friends it did have the benefit of being likable. This benefit also had the negative side effect of me being a targets for bullies. So I stood up for myself and with my analytical mind made pre-prepared comebacks (yes sadly most NT kids are stupidly predictable) and in the very rear instances I had to fight I did so (just about 10 times I am 25 that isn’t to bad).

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24 Aug 2006, 10:21 pm

Those friends of mine who were real friends stood up for me. They also helped me to find ways to stand up for myself.

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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24 Aug 2006, 10:26 pm

nobody protected me from bullies, wich means i had to do most of the standing up, for myself wich inturn got my butt kicked most of the time but hey atleast i tried! :P


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27 Aug 2006, 7:13 am

Almost never, but a one or two kids tried to talk to me about standing up for myself. When I was 5, another little girl rescued me from a group of kids at recess who were holding me and hitting me. I didn't understand why they were doing it and didn't have a clue how to stop them. I feel grateful to that girl to this day, because at the time, I truly thought those kids would kill me. I remember standing there as they hit me feeling sad that I deserved to die. I was a dumb little kid.


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27 Aug 2006, 8:27 am

Of my school "mates" a few girls stood up for me. One or two teachers. And my parents.


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27 Aug 2006, 1:55 pm

stuckinthedesert wrote:
a few fights in which I very much dislike even to this day..

People who say they dislike fighting are denying their true natures.
We may not want to fight, we've been taught that fighting is wrong, and so we make harsh emotional judgements about ourselves because of it, pissing and moaning in pain at the very thought of standing up for ourselves.
But, you have to face it, deep inside, we all want to fight, and though we deny it, we look back on the fights we've been in with malicious glee and a sense of humor, because we know that we've asserted our dominance over others, and proved ourselves better, regardless of whether we won or lost, and regardless of what others may have thought.


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27 Aug 2006, 6:24 pm

Nobody did with me.
Once or twice I did fight back. When that happened I was the one labeled a bully. I was the one who they punished, and the bullies got all the "outstanding behaviour" awards.