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01 Jul 2011, 1:47 pm

Ani wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Your rite I do want to have a group of friends but I'm not sure where or how to meet individuals. I know how to find groups that I have things in common with but I have problems with em after a while. How can I meet people who will accept me & like me the way I am other than by randomly lucking out :?:

Hmm.... you go to school, right? Or you have a job or some other such situation where you go regularly and see the same people around?
If not, I don't really know how to help you because the only way I have been able to make friends is at school or work or through family, a situation where I am basically being forced to be around other people who may or may not be like me all the time. Otherwise you have to "go out" and find people. (Which, as I know from personal experience, is hard if you are a shy homebody.) I go to a sci-fi book club once a month and I've met people there too.

Maybe even go to these "groups" that you know how to find and just stick around to see if there is someone in that group who you get along with.

Basically what I'm getting to is you need to have some avenue to meet people through. This takes a lot of the awkwardness off because you are just two people in the same place at the same time. Talk to people! Or just try to engage people if they talk to you, even if it's just a simple question. Try not to be too forced or nervous, just say what comes to mind.

Most of my friends are people who I knew for months in class or at a job. I slowly got used to their presence, maybe just randomly answered a question or said a few things. Eventually I think they started noticing me (I don't really "try" to approach people or "become" their friend.) and as we got more familiar, one or the other of us suggested hanging out, or ate lunch together, or something like that.

Focus on getting to know the people around you, not trying to make them your friend or find a friend. You can't really know whether you and another person are going to "hit it off" until you know them! A lot of my close friends are not the sort of people I would "expect" to be friends with. There are a lot of people who I know fairly well, but consider them acquaintances because I just hang out with them at school or work or whatever.

For me, friendships happen really slowly. My best friend for the last two years, we are like siblings we are so close, knew me for almost a year before we started hanging out!

I've been out of school for 10 years & I haven't worked in 3 & a half. I've been putting in apps but I only got one interview in that time. I had friends when I was working but I don't really have any now except for like one but I very seldom see him because he moved further away to be with a girl.
I've been trying to make friends online & I've made a few but I want more & it would be great if friendship could turn into an offline thing.

Wuffles wrote:
Are you aspie or are we just the next 'group' on your self discovery list?

AS was ruled out in favor of 10+ other things when I was tested but I'm almost positive I have AS or some other forum of autism. My mom thought I was autistic sense I was a toddler. I've had lots of AS issues my entire life some of which were not covered in the 10+ diagnoses I had.

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01 Jul 2011, 3:04 pm

I've never fit in anywhere, and probably never will.
Hope you find some like-minds, nick007.

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01 Jul 2011, 3:40 pm

I know the feeling, kinda.
I feel like I can fit into many groups because I have things in common, like runners, and artists, and vegetarians, and mormons, but in the end I just feel like I am different and even if I work hard to be good friends with everyone, I will always be just the weirdo that is too extreme and etc.

nick007 wrote:
I have things in common with different types of social groups but there's things about me that prevent me from fitting in with em. People used to call me EMO a lot because I was kind of negative, pessimistic, cynical, depressed ect. I tried joining a few EMO sites but I had problems with lots of members because I was to individualistic.
People say I'm a geek sometimes because I spend a lot of time on computer, I like science-fiction & there's some things about my personality that seem geeky. I do NOT have the smarts, skills, or knowledge geeks tend to have thou so geeks see me as kind of an idiot.
I have some conservative moral traditional values that are more common with religious but I'm a Secular Humanist so religious people tend to look down on me.
People think I'm a pot-head because I'm slow, easily confused, unmotivated & directionless with life & I act weird but I'm straight-edge & am uncomfortable when people are doing drugs, getting drunk ect around me.
People think I'm gay because my personality is NOT masculine, I'm sensitive, I HATE sports, & I have some interest that are more common with women but gay guys tend to see me as a piece of meat & that freaks me out.
I'm a borderline asexual but the asexual community isn't very accepting of me because I do have a sex drive & I would be willing to have sex if I was in a serious relationship to please my partner so the asexual community sees me as kind of a poser.
I would like to find a group of people I can fit in with so I can make friends & hopefully get a girlfriend but I do not feel I should have to change anything about myself in order to be accepted. Do others here feel like they have lots in common with certain groups but cant quite fit-in This is very frustrating & lonely

*I was called emo when I wore my bangs over my eyes, but I ignored people at that point of life
*Yes! I have been called geeky but then I don't feel as smart as some of those geeks.
*What's a secular humanist? I don't know how you feel there because I was born and raised a conservative mormon, and I stand by that title
*If you see me after running, you might confuse me for soemone who is drunk :roll: But other than that I don't seem stupid, just no common sense per say
*I don't have that problem, people just think I am weird because I don't have a boyfriend, but they know I like guys (but that reminds me, though I like guys, I sometimes feel like a guy because I like sports, camping, and I am not afraid of some bugs (the only ones that bug me :lol: are cockroaches, I can catch crickets and have been stung by scorpions, and can kill a spider)
*As a piece of meat....wo 8O Yea, that would be scary...
*That's the problem I have too, I have to change....


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01 Jul 2011, 11:42 pm

To me it sounds like you're lacking passion in life, and that is what usually draws people together.


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01 Jul 2011, 11:48 pm

Yes my personality is too unique to fit into any group. I totally can feel the OP. It has a lot to do with having a bunch of things different about you. I'm black, have asperger's, and have a bunch of phyisical differences mostly with my mouth but I also have glaucoma. Most Black people can't accept the fact that someone has asperger's. but when I go to an aspie group I am usually the only black person and I experience life completely different because of that. If i hang around people of another race they tend to start saying racial slurs to me (not the aspies), and if I hang out with black people they tend to think im weird and start fights. the only groups i fit in to are the ones with common interests because although the people may be cruel, they tend to be too focused and amazed by their common interests to even notice that I'm black or awkward.

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04 Jul 2011, 4:01 am

Just in two times I felt like fit into a group. SciFi (Star Trek) Fan Group and Gothic. Star Trek is dying out and most of my life I have been to very many conventions and hanging out with other fans. Very many freaks and nerds are to find in such ST-Fan Groups. But even there it is not easy to come along without knowing instinctivly how to socialize with them.

Gothic in Germany is much different than in other countries. But still, ah they claim to be very individualistic, but they are not! Same social group behavior as anywhere else and there I cannot fit in. So I know about not fitting in! I am analyzing social rules and group dynamics and such, but I cannot follow them myself. I am not a follower, not a leader, not an ass kreeper. I react different at what someone expect me to, I reply different, often I do not reflect myself close by, but have to analyze my behavior afterwards, I cannot cope with critic, I often overreact. So I puzzle others a lot when being in a group. I wish I could make friends, but I have to meet others in order to get to know them. But how when I do not like to join groups out of bad experience?

Cu, Ike SiCwan
from Germany - Hamburg
- Aspie score: 161 of 200
- Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 57 of 200
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- Asperger diagnosis / Autism spectrum diagnosis official 04/2016
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04 Jul 2011, 6:57 pm

If only you had Asperger's social groups to meet in where you live, like I do, it would change a lot.

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05 Jul 2011, 12:34 am

Would it change anything realy?

"What SI do you have?" "Oh, I have geography." "And You?" "I love math.", "Oh ok."...

How many aspies do you have to meet 'till you meet someone with the same SI as yourself have? How would you talk with others about a topic you have no interesest in? It woud be the same as with NTs talking among, I cannot join in, because A they would not stand how I talk about it, too differenciated and such, and B mostly they have many topics and interests, but none so deep as we aspies used to have, or just none of there topics are interesting to me. Thats my experience with NTs.

Keeno wrote:
If only you had Asperger's social groups to meet in where you live, like I do, it would change a lot.

Cu, Ike SiCwan
from Germany - Hamburg
- Aspie score: 161 of 200
- Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 57 of 200
I am an IT and Aviation Nerd!
- Asperger diagnosis / Autism spectrum diagnosis official 04/2016
- self diagnosis 2008


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05 Jul 2011, 4:32 am

In any group I am bound to feel like a spectator/outsider to some degree -- there are certainly some where it is more pronounced than others but I always feel like there is something setting me apart somehow. But I don't see myself as too unique; rather I would say that it is difficult for me to fully adopt the viewpoint of being part of a group, if that makes any sense.

I will say that the closest by far that I've gotten to feeling like I "belong" has been with groups made up of identifiable individuals. e.g., I really don't feel like a part of the abstract "community" of all the world's LGBT people that people often talk about, but I do feel to some extent like I am a part of my university's LGBT student group since some of its members are people with whom I have some level of meaningful connection. Once most of a group's members are anonymous and undifferentiated, it becomes exponentially harder for me to feel at all like a part of it.

That said, I don't know if I'll ever truly feel like I belong to a group -- I have even started and led groups and yet never felt fully part of them. And I think I might be OK with that. I value relationships with individuals much more highly than group membership. It is a lot easier to be a sort of peripheral member of a group than it is to forge a meaningful relationship with an individual, but the latter is, to me, infinitely more rewarding.


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05 Jul 2011, 12:55 pm

who wants to fit into a group.

when did aspies become a fashionable sub-culture?



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07 Jul 2011, 7:56 am

The title of this thread is the definition of myself. It's why I try to hide as much of myself and what I really like as possible, simply because when I do, I'm given weird responses or people change the subject.

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.

My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.


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08 Jul 2011, 8:35 pm

I'm also unique but I don't really wish to fit into a group.

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09 Jul 2011, 1:15 am

I feel the same way...I dont completely fit in with any group and decided that honestly nobody does...we just sacerfice a little corner of who we are to fit in those holes.

but here is my reasons that I dont fit

I have PDD-with classic autistic traits (I have a wild imagination and engaged in imaginary play extensivly as a kid, so thats why I dont fit totally in the classic autism critera, even though the rests fits me.

I have a 45 decible hearing loss in both ears, enough to make me legally deaf, but apparently not enough to be welcomed as part of the deaf comunity (they are very clique-ish about who they believe is "deaf enough")

I am not athiest, but my beliefs are totally my to the church I am a heritic; to the athiests, I am an idiot

I am very creative and artistic but I find artistic snobbery to be really anoying and inmature, neverless rampant through the art community.

I am bisexual which means that the straight people think I am a freak, and the gay people think I am a fence rider.

I am very tomboyish which means I dont fit in with girlie girls, but guys since I was 11 considered me to be a girlie girl. I liked it when I was a kid and played with the boys as "one of the guys"

I like snakes but dont fit in to the snake crowd cause I dont think the large constritors should be sold as pets because they are too dangerous then get released to the wild and destroy the habitat

I am neither totally conservative or totally progressive...mostly progressive and somewhat conservative...but honestly I think they are really one party doing WWF style political fighting to make people think they are 2 parties. I vote for the individual who steps aside...if there is one.

I am mostly asexual....but wouldn't rule it out completely if I met the right person

I dont have any specific music taste...I just like what sounds good to me.

I like to read, but I usually dont like to read novels as I cant keep my interest in them as much, but to reader clubs I cant really talk about the lastest book cause I havent read it.

All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
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