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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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21 Oct 2006, 2:38 am

I've been taking Paxil for the last month for SA/SF and it seems to work fairly well. I'm not 100% better(whatever that means), but I have improved rather well. I can go to the store without much of a second thought (er, just a second thought, but I go anyways) I can call the phone people to take care of things now. Its quite nice with the Paxil. Now I must add this disclaimer: Paxil sucks for most people side effects wise; but lucky me, It's been ok w/ few side effects and just fine with the intended effects.


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28 Oct 2006, 3:53 am

"100% better" means NT. It's why they're always trying to "cure" us. ;)


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30 Oct 2006, 11:02 pm

It's a bit odd... I alternate between these three different states regarding social interaction. Maybe 15-20% of the time, I feel as if I have excellent friends whose interests and mannerisms are compatible with my own. The rest of the time, it's either thinking that I'm abused and walked on by them, or a feeling of disgust and loathing, almost as if they're 'corrupting' me, and a desire to stop interacting with them. The last is partially in effect at all times, as I try my best to ensure that none of them EVER have my contact information or know where I live (all of my real life friends are from school). Externally, I appear either quiet, subdued, and unassertive, or tense, paranoid, and nervous (not necessarily according to my 'state').


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04 Nov 2006, 12:07 pm

I have this to a certain degree, I think. Not so severe that I don't want to be around other people at all, but enough to make me prefer my own company over pretty much anything else.

Certainly, if I don't have a point of reference to hold onto, places like nightclubs terrify me. Too many people in too small a space? Forget it...


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04 Nov 2006, 3:58 pm

I have no social phobias, largely because I have no evaluation anxiety. It's hard to care what people think of you when most of them seem less sentient and less capable of independent thought than ants. 8)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Nov 2006, 9:42 pm

I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety, but I only experience anxiety when I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be reacting or if I react in a way which -I find out in a couple seconds- is not the correct reaction.

Also, when I'm not ready to 'pull up' a sociable personality that would be acceptable for whoever is trying to communicate with me, I get anxious. I used to be very very anxious around strangers because I had no idea what I was supposed to say or act like, but I've come up with this personality that I use with strangers and as long as I'm paying attention to what is going on I can pull up that personality and I don't get anxious.

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04 Nov 2006, 9:44 pm

I have both..

Free from the world.

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04 Nov 2006, 11:54 pm

im not afraid to try talking to someone. i just dont want to do it, i think its a waste of time. everyone just wants to impress the guy/gal there talking to anyways. thats what i've gotten out of it atleast, of course you might find 1 or 2 people that are genuine and can have a conversation with, without trying to be fake but thats pretty rare these days, so i just dont bother.

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05 Nov 2006, 4:06 am

Mikka wrote:
There are times when I won't go to the community mailbox in my apartment complex and the mail man gets upset with me because I don't go pick up my mail for days.

I prefer online shopping for clothing and shoes (but to be perfectly honest, I'd rather wear the same clothes I've been wearing for years, which is why I tend to pick classic clothing that doesn't go out of style). I go to the grocery stores at odd hours and I use the self-check out lines. I would do online grocery shopping, but I really don't even want the delivery driver coming to my door.

I don't even particularly like talking on the phone with strangers. (Telemarkers and junk like that.) I swear the only reason I remember to pay my bills on time is so that I don't have anyone calling me from the companies that provide me service. The result is the same, the company is thinking I'm a great customer, but I don't do it because it's a responsible thing for me to do, I do it to avoid phone calls.

If I didn't live with my family still, the phone would never be used and the mail would never be picked up (mostly because I don't like chit-chatting with everyone I run into, and that's a side-effect of living in a small community). I would much prefer at-door service, like what I grew up with. I don't even get at-door UPS where I's all at the college's business office, and that annoys the crap out of me. I go into the office and they know exactly what you bought and try to chit-chat with you about it. "So, you bought some fancy cheese, eh?" That's why I prefer to have one of the other household members pick my stuff up.

I would prefer to shop at off-hours, simply to avoid the crowds and get an opportunity to look at what's available without someone staring at me like, "Would you please MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!"

Meh, I feel like a loser now... *sad face* :(


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05 Nov 2006, 6:59 am

I only feel withdrawn from socialising from past experience.

If I'm invited into a group, I am a listener and listen and rarely talk.

This is because of past experience where I've tried to give feedback but am told to "shut up" or I am ignored and have to repeat myself until someone listens. I hate repeating myself :x

I tend not to hang around with groups as through past experience, I am either ditched (ranaway from) or ignored and picked on, so I tend to not bother.

If not that, my mum said just see what will happen if you try and hang around with them and not plan out whether your gonna be on your own and with them.

If they let me hang around with me, it's a good day, if they don't it's a bad day. Good days and bad days socialwise.


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05 Nov 2006, 3:58 pm

I was diagnosed with social phobia/anxiety, which i believe is a natural offshoot of Aspergers, what with the whole trouble socialising and bad experiences. Luckily i don't have to deal with it much as i rarely leave my house, and never alone.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Nov 2006, 10:56 pm

I wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's until last year. But had been diagnosed with really bad social anxiety disorder since the early 90's. Now I realize that the awkwardness & social "dumbness" that caused me so many bad social experiences & lead me to become social phobic was partly due to the Asperger's...

In a way I envy the Aspie's who don't have SAD b/c they don't have to agonize & worry to death about every stupid little thing they do or might have done to make them look "socially bad." It must refreshing. :?


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14 Nov 2006, 1:17 pm

morningdove wrote:
In a way I envy the Aspie's who don't have SAD b/c they don't have to agonize & worry to death about every stupid little thing they do or might have done to make them look "socially bad." It must refreshing. :?

It's also the result of a lifetime of study. I know what they tend to view as well-mannered and not well-mannered fairly accurately, at least in this culture. People run on a huge series of scripts for the most part, so learn the scripts and use them to manipulate these dimwits to your advantage.

As to what they think of me? I've yet to see any real evidence that most people think at all... it seems largely a combination of instincts granted by evolution overlain with these social scripts. Once you get beyond pragmatics and my attempts to figure out the species, what is left?

Does an entomologist care about the opinions of the ants he's watching? Does he even really credit them with having genuine thought at all? Same way with me and the overwhelming majority of the human race. On an emotional level, their opinion of me is completely and totally irrelevant, so f**k 'em.


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14 Nov 2006, 8:14 pm

I have social phobia, but I think it has lessened since I discovered AS. I don't care for being around people I don't know too much, or getting to know them and I'm extremely introverted, but that's just the way I am.

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15 Nov 2006, 3:43 am

I'm agoraphobic, which is similar if not the same as a social phobia. Feel much more comfortable on all levels of my being, when inside the confines of my apt. Boyfriend lives with me, but other than him, I don't like to be around people. People in general frighten me. I've found a few trustworthy individuals & those are the folks I socially (but privately) interact with. Going out in public is stressful in myriad ways for me, it uses up my energy & tolerance rapidly to be around crowds of strangers. Staying home alone (feeling safe & hidden) doesn't wear me out as quickly. Takes alot of mental "escape velocity" to get me to ever actually go anywhere. I'm awful at the "getting to know each other"/"sizing each other up" dance one does when meeting people. I only know what they tell me, I can't evaluate how truthful or self-aware any individual talking with me is. I feel so inadequate with a group, just tuck myself in a corner, look for something to read, or close my eyes & try not to be here now.
By the way: My preference is against the automated cashier lines at supermarkets ("self-checkouts"). In theory, they seemed great, but in execution, I find them intolerable & panic-inducing. Glad plenty of other people enjoy using that option, though. I dislike the forced fake exchange of banal pleasantries with the clerk, but being dealt with by machinery bothers me even more. Unfriendly technology, to my brain & body. The voice blaring from the checkout machine is awful, the beeping noises, the glitches when it won't scan right or whatnot-makes me freak out totally ! I'd rather complain to an employee in front of me than vainly argue with a mysterious and inflexible computer.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Nov 2006, 4:40 pm

I have major social phobia.
It's not that worse at big crowds, since for me a lot of ppl means that i can hide more easily in the mass, but it's worse when i have parties at friends house.
I probably expect to much of myself.
It gets so worse sometimes that i can feel so sick that i have to throw up, feel really tired, even unconsiousness.
But i keep going to parties and conventions with friends because i know eventually, after hours and mostly some beers it will usually get better.
Edit: it helps me to go somewere with a goal, like at a bday party i just convince myself to just go there to congratulate him and give a present, then i'll be going home again.
Most of the of the time it works so well that by the time i'm there, i feel so well i just stay and enjoy the evening :)