Mikka wrote:
There are times when I won't go to the community mailbox in my apartment complex and the mail man gets upset with me because I don't go pick up my mail for days.
I prefer online shopping for clothing and shoes (but to be perfectly honest, I'd rather wear the same clothes I've been wearing for years, which is why I tend to pick classic clothing that doesn't go out of style). I go to the grocery stores at odd hours and I use the self-check out lines. I would do online grocery shopping, but I really don't even want the delivery driver coming to my door.
I don't even particularly like talking on the phone with strangers. (Telemarkers and junk like that.) I swear the only reason I remember to pay my bills on time is so that I don't have anyone calling me from the companies that provide me service. The result is the same, the company is thinking I'm a great customer, but I don't do it because it's a responsible thing for me to do, I do it to avoid phone calls.
If I didn't live with my family still, the phone would never be used and the mail would never be picked up (mostly because I don't like chit-chatting with everyone I run into, and that's a side-effect of living in a small community). I would much prefer at-door service, like what I grew up with. I don't even get at-door UPS where I live...it's all at the college's business office, and that annoys the crap out of me. I go into the office and they know exactly what you bought and try to chit-chat with you about it. "So, you bought some fancy cheese, eh?" That's why I prefer to have one of the other household members pick my stuff up.
I would prefer to shop at off-hours, simply to avoid the crowds and get an opportunity to look at what's available without someone staring at me like, "Would you please MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!"
Meh, I feel like a loser now... *sad face*