Hi, been back just a day or two; dn't have much time, but I was wondering, when it comes to meeting people...do you think business cards would help?
I'm not talking about just little things w/a name, I'm talking about what they'd do in the early 1800s. Giving someone a larger card with notes identifying oneself and one's interests, likes, dislikes, etc.. Of course, in the old days it would be geared toward the business community or people w/similar interests - if a Lafayette wanted to meet with Thomas Jefferson, for instance, he would send a card identifying himself first and stating who he was and why he wished to meet w/Jefferson.
Of course, there would be the down side that you wouldn't have a card fromt he other person, and that would make it difficult to know how to interact totally with them. However, if the right info was ons uch cards, it would show that: 1. The other person needed to take the lead in interacting/inviting you places/etc.; and 2. You and that other person might have a genuine interest. Sort of like what was said about professional socializing being easier.
It's a weird idea, and very formal, but has anyone tried that since, say, 1880? It would at least help you find something interesting to talk about, even the card could be a topic of convesation.