MeloJag wrote:
I've noticed recently that I come across to females as a creep. Part of this is of course because of the social difficulties we have. However a big part of it is also because I view them as aliens. So then how does one go about changing this? The only idea I have come up with is to be mindful of it. But I dont know, any one got ideas?
Well ... I think you're already headed down that path, not sure if it's possible to speed it up. This is something that normally comes from life experience over a long period of time. Just see the world with these new eyes as much as you can.
One thing that can be interesting is talking to people online without looking at gender, so that you don't actually know who is female and who is male. Often you can tell anyway but ... you should be in for more than a few surprises, too. These tend to be enlightening.