As far as looking younger than your age I also look younger than my age, but still I wasn't picked on once in college. I guess even if my appearance says I am 13 while in fact i am 18, it is still the case that I am not in THEIR high school, so they don't know me well enough to pick on me. Either that, or its that places I frequent are not the ones frequented by high school kids and my schedule would give away the fact that I am in college.
Actually teenagers do actually pick on random people in the street. When I first left school, I thought they only picked on others in school, but I've found they don't. I often attract teenagers (in a negative way), like girls would glare at me and boys would make silly noises at me.
I think it's a stereotypical thing that I worry about with glasses. I know a lot of people wear them, but how come so many Aspies wear them? I'm not being critical and I don't think glasses are geeky because I'm way passed that, but when I watch films about young people and there's a character that's supposed to be the ''plain'' one or the ''clever'' one, they always seem to put them in glasses, as though glasses give of a stereotypical impression to say that this person is plain.