VAGraduateStudent wrote:
I agree with everything Moondust suggested. I'm a (NT) sociologist and I used to work as a manager in an IT department, where I was good friends with an aspie.
I think you should look at this as an opportunity to protect yourself from someone who is being rude and stupid to you and therefore making your work life hard to deal with.
Temple Grandin has said that when feeling a potential meltdown at work, it's optimal for aspies to be able to get away on their own so they can refocus and calm down. However, this may not be an option. Leaving work can get you in trouble. Something else Grandin said, which I totally agree with and think is genius, is that if you are ever pushed to an extreme point at work, to remember that CRYING is socially acceptable, whereas yelling, stimming, and leaving are not.
For some reason, crying at work is never a punishable offense at work in any circumstance. So crying or pretending to cry is a good way to express that you can't take any more and need to get away to the bathroom or parking lot for awhile.
this is some mature advice.
i guesss i need to get this book myself and do some serious reading
ya she deliberately played with me since she was aware i was a dumb person
The only thing right in this wrong world is