Yes, people annoy me when they don't correct their grammer, punctuation or spelling. I know it's not the end of the world, but it still sometimes bothers me. Usually I make loads of mistakes whilst typing, but as soon as I submit it, I end up editing it again to correct my mistakes, because I'm too damn lazy to read through my post before submitting it, and I only seem to spot the mistakes after submitting.
This may be off-topic, but what annoys me the most is when I'm writing a post on the internet or a text on my mobile phone, I miss out one of the most important words in the sentence, making the sentence have a completely different meaning all because I missed this one word out. So the next time I write things like ''don't'' or ''haven't'', etcetera, I always check that I have added the extra ''n't''. So say if I text ''I don't want to stop being your friend'', but accidentally miss out the ''n't'' on the ''don't'', then I'm in trouble because even if I immediately send back another text saying that was a mistake, you get some that are good enough to believe it, and others that could get upset quite easily and not believe you and think you are mucking them around (mostly paranoid people).
And the ''insert'' button in the keyboard drives me crazy when it is accidentally pressed without me knowing. I wish there was some sort of light that comes up on the laptop indicating that the ''insert'' button is activated. That would make life a lot easier. 