hyksos55 wrote:
That is so true. When I was a kid I went to some assembly with my mom. The speaker asked everyone there to raise their hand if they lived in a dysfunctional family. I was really surprised when my mother told me to raise my hand; I thought that what I was living through was normal. She assured me it wasn’t and it changed my whole perspective on life.
how many people raised their hands? were there many?
BlackSabre7 wrote:
I have told our kids that our family life is not the way it has to be. My husband is difficult and I have had problems because of it. I don't want my kids to think that it is OK for someone to tell them they are stupid or will be nothing. I don't want them to believe that a psycho in the house is just normal. I have openly pointed out people who do not behave that way, and highlighted stable, loving families that they know so they could understand there are other options.
I have educated them about post traumatic stress disorder so that they understand that their father is unusual and that it has nothing to do with them, it was that way before they even existed.
My mistake did not have to become theirs too.
Maybe Hyskos's mum was trying to do he same sort of thing for her.
I say good on her.
I wish my mother was like that... You're a great mother.