It is idiotic at best.
(1) Shaking hands: I remember I had a cold once, and I sneazed, and (I won't into details here), I had to clean my right hand with my pants. A few minutes later, a teacher I knew shook my hand. Imagine the number of viruses that were passed to him.
(2) Person #1: Hello, how are you. Person #2: I am fine, thank you <----stupid! Most people are not fine. If anything, they are doing okay. Even when they are in trouble, they still say they are fine.
(3) Two people who haven't seen each other in a long time meet in the street, and they talk about their lives, and wow, they are both doing great. What are the odds?
(4) Drink beers, get drunk. People like to call each other stupid, but their idea of socializing is drinking enough alcohol to damage their intelligence.
Your Aspie score: 163 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 50 of 200