While there are a lot of naive women around who don't seem to realize the nature of, or reason for, much of the male attention they receive, it is insulting to assume that men are incapable of desiring simple friendship from women.
Since I was young, I've always had more female friends than male. For various reasons, I'm just more comfortable with women. I won't pretend I've never been in the position of being attracted to a girl who only wanted friendship from me but that's been the exception, not the rule.
There have been times when I've had to pretty much cut off contact with a friend because my feelings for her were strong enough that seeing her with someone else was painful. But, again, that's the exception. More often, I've been able to accept that that she's just a friend. One who is maybe nicer to look at than most, or has other qualities that I find desireable, but still just a friend.
If it were always the case that men only want sex or relationships from women, and that all friendships with them were pretexts for that, then why have I continued those friendships even when I'm in a relationship? Why have I been friends with women I was not attracted to at all? Why have I been friends with women who are not attracted to men?
There is, I think, a greater possibility for complications and misunderstandings in friendships between members of opposite genders. But to characterize all such friendships as fake, as being built on false pretenses, is insulting to everyone involved.