Fanny wrote:
It really bothers me when acquaintances I have known for several years and see weekly (or more often), shake my hand when they see me, act friendly and say "we will have to get together sometime" and they don't really mean it. I don't know how to play the "let's pretend that I like you and want to be your friend" game and it is annoying. I prefer to be honest with people.
I see through them and go my way. Sometimes I'm rude because I know its a game at my expense (if I make a meeting time with them, they find a way to get out of it). This happens with many people I know. What can I do? I know being rude is not the answer but that's how I feel at the time.
This happens to me frequently. Some people are sincere about their intentions and others aren't so I don't take it seriously when someone comes out with this type of stuff.
As an example, recently, I had someone actually say something similar and then proceed to have no contact with me.. Then about two weeks ago she messaged me asking why I didn't arrange a meet up... Obviously, I totally forgot about it and didn't bother to raise it because I didn't think she wanted to meet up..I thought it was just done out of politeness.. And now obviously I don't know where I lie because she has stopped contacting me again. (Probably because she doesn't want to meet up at all and doesn't have the balls to admit it)
And this is the problem for me and probably other people with Autism. People don't make it clear whether or not they are going to follow through with their intentions and then get offended if we don't reciprocate! How am I supposed to know if you want to meet up if you aren't always honest about your true intentions!?
This is why i've given up with social interactions.. It's too much hassle! People are never clear with their intentions.. a lot of the time saying false things that they don't ever intend to do..
Admittedly I am getting better at "decoding" situations like the above but it is still a challenge obviously..
Last edited by owenc on 14 Nov 2016, 9:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.