Cascadians wrote:
I would LOVE to find an old abandoned homestead sitting miles out in the country! What a gloriously delicious full-of-potential rare find that would be! This beautiful noble home would be waiting for my creative restorative touches and all the wonderful activities and hobbies and gentle sweet love I would pour into it. Nobody else would bother it or claim it, and I could be free to dance in joy with myself, the best company, in this home as I fixed it up and sang songs to the Lord to cheer the walls.
I would fill this home with wonderful baking aromas and incense and clean fresh spring air. I would appoint each room with divine purpose and appreciation. Each window would look out into burgeoning gardens with majestic trees, lacy vines, nodding winking sunbursts of flowers and burbling fountains and streams. Songbirds would cluster all about and sing to their heart's content. The orchard would be laden with luscious fruits and nuts and the squirrels would be scampering everywhere. There would be raised beds of healthy vegetables brimming over with abundance.
The old abandoned homestead sitting miles out in the country is my long-dreamed-of utopia, a retreat to fashion in loveliness and stewardship of Nature in her glory speaking with the rustling leaves of God's infinite mercy, wisdom, love and kindness. This gorgeous oasis is a haven of productive happy activity, contemplation, learning and celebration.
And as I work on this exquisite mansion, burnishing its fine burled old wood to rich luster, my vibration, soaring higher and higher, eventually attracts my own kind to me; another, and then others, who resonate in my level and value the same ideals as do I, and desire to live the same way, and aspire to the same harmonious rejoicing in every word, action, deed, thought living in tune with the Lord, with His grace, hand in hand in partnership with Spirit, the Creator.
What an absolutely wonderful treasure you are, you rare old abandoned homestead sitting miles out in the country!
Hmmm.... thats kinda what happened with me except i was the last one to move in, but it IS a beautiful Country Manor house in the middle on nowhere tho full of 'songs to the Lord to cheer the walls' and 'God's infinite mercy, wisdom, love and kindness'. if anyone here is into all that they should move in with us, we got space for 33 other people (27 of us)
i am that which i am...