Why are other people getting away with things I wouldn't?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Apr 2017, 9:18 pm

NorthWind wrote:
many autistic people seem like easy targets for abusive people.

Yep you have to know how to steer clear of such ppl. Don't get too attached to people for this reason. I learnt that the hard way.


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12 Apr 2017, 6:56 pm

Priola wrote:
W91T wrote:
Priola wrote:
I have the same thing going on right now. I never bother to get too attached to ppl because of this.

The older I get the more I realize I enjoy being on my own and don't want to bother with letting the drama get me.

But my parents and DH think that is wrong. They say I should forgive ppl inspite of this and go on with ppl like nothing happened. But I know what I know and socialize with those that also don't like too much drama and like being straightforward.

Same. After learning that I shouldn't trust anyone at my old school, I tried to avoid getting too close to someone, then I somehow convinced myself to give them a chance, and now very I'm hesitant to get close to anyone again. I'm somehow not able to go back to the stage where I was comfortable without them. Forgiving them is probably the right thing to do, but I don't know why or how after this happpening again and again.

It's a hard feeling I know. But you'll move on. Maybe find someone else to talk to. Find a me hobby. Meet new ppl.

For me ppl tend to take advantage of me being too nice and try to treat me like a doormat(if I think they want to do this I don't cut them out but just stop hanging out with them all that much). I am a nice person because I like harmony and no drama. I have a few good friends though that I like talking to from time to time. And have sort of made peace with having very lil social life. I can't even be social anymore. I feel like it tires me out. So I like spending time the way I want.

Thank you. Too bad people take advantage of you, but it's good that you're coping with it. What you're doing now sounds like the best. Maybe I should find a hobby too.


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15 Apr 2017, 4:30 pm

Because it's an NTs world. NTs get away with everything. Well, they don't, but when Aspies are involved, they do. The NT always wins.

An Aspie has to go to do something urgent.
"You are such an uncompromising, insensitive, selfish little f**k, where have you got to be that's so 'important'? Think of other people for once in your life!"
An NT has to go and do something urgent. Aspie: Where are you going? I need a hand here.
"You are such a nosy little f**k aren't you? That poor NT has to be somewhere, it's none of your business where, so just get on with it! Think of other people for once in your life!"

Then people wonder why Aspies f*****g do themselves in.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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15 Apr 2017, 10:35 pm

W91T wrote:
Priola wrote:
W91T wrote:
Priola wrote:
I have the same thing going on right now. I never bother to get too attached to ppl because of this.

The older I get the more I realize I enjoy being on my own and don't want to bother with letting the drama get me.

But my parents and DH think that is wrong. They say I should forgive ppl inspite of this and go on with ppl like nothing happened. But I know what I know and socialize with those that also don't like too much drama and like being straightforward.

Same. After learning that I shouldn't trust anyone at my old school, I tried to avoid getting too close to someone, then I somehow convinced myself to give them a chance, and now very I'm hesitant to get close to anyone again. I'm somehow not able to go back to the stage where I was comfortable without them. Forgiving them is probably the right thing to do, but I don't know why or how after this happpening again and again.

It's a hard feeling I know. But you'll move on. Maybe find someone else to talk to. Find a me hobby. Meet new ppl.

For me ppl tend to take advantage of me being too nice and try to treat me like a doormat(if I think they want to do this I don't cut them out but just stop hanging out with them all that much). I am a nice person because I like harmony and no drama. I have a few good friends though that I like talking to from time to time. And have sort of made peace with having very lil social life. I can't even be social anymore. I feel like it tires me out. So I like spending time the way I want.

Thank you. Too bad people take advantage of you, but it's good that you're coping with it. What you're doing now sounds like the best. Maybe I should find a hobby too.

:) When you have something to focus on - it helps draw your mind away from all the drama and you can enjoy doing your hobby or passion. Befor long you'll probably find someone new to talk to.

Well atleast for me I can't talk the same language as NTs do or be mean like them so I try to do my thing. It's not that I don't know they're taking advantage of me but most ppl seem to be doing this - I don't know why. All I want to do is be constructive, positive and synergistic. And I don't know why people have be manipulative and complicate things.


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16 Apr 2017, 3:15 am

Joe90 wrote:
Because it's an NTs world. NTs get away with everything. Well, they don't, but when Aspies are involved, they do. The NT always wins.

An Aspie has to go to do something urgent.
"You are such an uncompromising, insensitive, selfish little f**k, where have you got to be that's so 'important'? Think of other people for once in your life!"
An NT has to go and do something urgent. Aspie: Where are you going? I need a hand here.
"You are such a nosy little f**k aren't you? That poor NT has to be somewhere, it's none of your business where, so just get on with it! Think of other people for once in your life!"

Then people wonder why Aspies f*****g do themselves in.

I feel the same. Seems like the only thing we can do is to avoid these people, I've yet to meet a fair NT in my area though. There are at least some people here who are trying to understand us, so it may not be impossible to meet at least one someday.

Priola wrote:
:) When you have something to focus on - it helps draw your mind away from all the drama and you can enjoy doing your hobby or passion. Befor long you'll probably find someone new to talk to.

Well atleast for me I can't talk the same language as NTs do or be mean like them so I try to do my thing. It's not that I don't know they're taking advantage of me but most ppl seem to be doing this - I don't know why. All I want to do is be constructive, positive and synergistic. And I don't know why people have be manipulative and complicate things.

That is a nice thought. The people you've met are probably just bad people you have to watch out for, I don't think you should think about it too much. You shouldn't waste energy on them, just focus on they who don't.


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16 Apr 2017, 5:35 pm

NorthWind wrote:
W91T wrote:
But what's weird is that they act like this towards me even though I haven't told them about me having aspergers, maybe they see that I'm acting differently. Either way, it makes it hard for me too not to dislike them, but at the same time I want someone to change my view. I'm sorry for your situation.

I think in almost all cases for most autistic people it won't be because people know they're autistic. If it's mean people something about the way you act might make them think you're an easy victim. They'll try to take their anger out on you, manipulate you or take advantage of you.

If it's not mean people, then it's because of a misunderstanding. There are a lot of subtle unwritten rules about when and towards whom you can do what. If you do something in the wrong context people will misinterpret your intentions.
If you are close friends with someone you can be a lot more honest and direct about some things than if you are just acquaintances. Close friends will usually know if someone does something for another reason than being mean - e.g. if it's just a joke rather than a snide remark or if it's genuine criticism to help the other person. If you're just acquaintances you have to be much more careful about your wording or it'll be taken as a personal attack. Thus some autistic people might experience different reactions towards them than towards another person as unfair, even if the reason might be that their relationship to that person is different.
Another reason why the same statement might be taken in completely different ways is non-verbal communication. If you make a slightly mean joke but fail to make it sound like a joke, people will be angry because they'll think you're deliberately insulting them. Even if you point something out to help someone avoid making a mistake and sound too serious or sound arrogant people will be angry. It's all about how you say it.
Finally, how people will react to something you do or say depends on how you usually behave. If someone often engages in banter people will know not to take it too seriously. If someone never does that but suddenly decides to do so, people are less likely to know that the person wasn't serious about what they said.

If people act like something is al right if they themselves do it but not if you do it, that's just the double standards most people have, whether they are NT or ND. Many people do a lot of things because it's convenient for them to do so or because they're just lazy but it annoys them if someone else does the same because then it's not convenient for them. They're reacting to their immediate emotion without contemplating if it is fair. Or they know their own reason to do something they actually don't think is right but they also know their reason to do so and think it justifies making an exception. However, they don't know your reason. Thus you do not get an exception. Alternatively, it could be actual meanness instead of emotion or lack of awareness if they are trying to manipulate you or if they are bullies trying to make themselves feel good by putting other people down - but, again, then it's not directly because thy know about your autism but because many autistic people seem like easy targets for abusive people.

Sorry! I somehow missed it. I don't feel that all my friends were being mean in purpose, but many of them do have double standards, and they don't care if one of their other friends do the same as me. I don't understand it, maybe I just come of as rude, but I don't understand why because I don't feel like I behave that differently from others. I'm unsure if it's they who are being unfair, or if it's something I'm not noticing.


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17 Apr 2017, 5:48 pm

People are very jealous. If you are seen to be doing well in a group, or have a significant contribution to make then sometimes people will be nasty to you to try and take you down a bit.
In a group you must appear to be as average as possible. If you don't hate maths, then people don't see you as intelligent, they see themselves as inferior.
Most people suffer from selfesteem issues.
I was doing a great job one time, but then I was told I was being condecending to others.
Another time I was going out of my way to do extra work to improve my department and then some managers got worried and began to tell me to stop making improvements.
These are work examples but, it's the same for social circles, it's a competition (for many people) am I the most useful/important/popular friend. The whole 'best friend' thing. There are all sorts of pettiness surounding who gets to be bridesmaids & bestman.
Social should be renamed drama. Office politics happens in all groups.


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18 Apr 2017, 4:21 pm

This was something I dealt with all through school. I think social cues had something to do with it, body language and of course kids just simply know when it's okay to do things and it always depends on the context of the situation but you just need to understand social situations to know when it's okay to do it and when to stop. Also friends tend to not tell on their friends so if you do something their friend did, they will tell on you but not on their own friends. And children with disabilities tend to get treated different than normal kids so there is always the double standard. I hated it so I fought to get treated like everyone else and not singled out. If it wasn't Asperger's then I don't know what it was then that made kids treat me different and the school too. My mom thinks it was because I was in special ed and because I was on the IEP so I was expected to be perfect and they only enforced rules on me but not on the other kids and she agrees it is all unfair. I also think children who have problems tend to be pathologized more than kids without so they are expected to be perfect and they ignore the normal kids. I will tell you that system doesn't work. You need to enforce rules on all kids, not on the child only. Even my therapist told my school this was not a me problem, it was a problem with their system and I could be their best student they can have and be a good role model for other kids.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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22 Apr 2017, 4:41 am

AngryAngryAngry wrote:
People are very jealous. If you are seen to be doing well in a group, or have a significant contribution to make then sometimes people will be nasty to you to try and take you down a bit.
In a group you must appear to be as average as possible. If you don't hate maths, then people don't see you as intelligent, they see themselves as inferior.
Most people suffer from selfesteem issues.
I was doing a great job one time, but then I was told I was being condecending to others.
Another time I was going out of my way to do extra work to improve my department and then some managers got worried and began to tell me to stop making improvements.
These are work examples but, it's the same for social circles, it's a competition (for many people) am I the most useful/important/popular friend. The whole 'best friend' thing. There are all sorts of pettiness surounding who gets to be bridesmaids & bestman.
Social should be renamed drama. Office politics happens in all groups.

Couldn't have been more true, It's annoying how some people doesn't want anything to improve just because of their own selfish reasons

League_Girl wrote:
This was something I dealt with all through school. I think social cues had something to do with it, body language and of course kids just simply know when it's okay to do things and it always depends on the context of the situation but you just need to understand social situations to know when it's okay to do it and when to stop. Also friends tend to not tell on their friends so if you do something their friend did, they will tell on you but not on their own friends. And children with disabilities tend to get treated different than normal kids so there is always the double standard. I hated it so I fought to get treated like everyone else and not singled out. If it wasn't Asperger's then I don't know what it was then that made kids treat me different and the school too. My mom thinks it was because I was in special ed and because I was on the IEP so I was expected to be perfect and they only enforced rules on me but not on the other kids and she agrees it is all unfair. I also think children who have problems tend to be pathologized more than kids without so they are expected to be perfect and they ignore the normal kids. I will tell you that system doesn't work. You need to enforce rules on all kids, not on the child only. Even my therapist told my school this was not a me problem, it was a problem with their system and I could be their best student they can have and be a good role model for other kids.

I hate this system, I really hate how people tend to do this. It seems nice to be a role model but it's sometimes very frustrating, but I really know that's the best option


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01 May 2017, 12:41 am

I have the same thing happen and it's a constant. Personally, I do believe that it is an aspie thing. I'm no doctor but my opinion on it is this, they get away with it because their NT brains are working from the same programming and state of mind. When they slight one another or complement one another or let one another know through actions that might be considered rude or unkind, they automatically understand each other. They know why someone stop talking to them or said something smart ass to them or acted jealous or what have you. Whereas with us, we don't think the same or react the same or anything from the get go. Chances are, they didn't understand you to begin with and excepted the things about you that they liked or whatever but when you did something that slighted them or whatever… They found your actions which were strange to begin with to be even more strange. And if I know anything, it's that people don't like to be around people who they don't have that natural kinship and bond with. We make up less than 1% of people and they make up 99%. Unless were extremely good at faking it and coming off like one of them, we were strange when it started. I'm just trying to explain it from my perspective. My whole point is that I do believe that it is normal that this happens to us. It's that seemingly eternal pain of being on the spectrum. No matter how hard we try, we will never truly understand the way their brains work and they will never understand ours. Hence the name of this site.


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07 May 2017, 5:51 am

TheWalrys435 wrote:
I have the same thing happen and it's a constant. Personally, I do believe that it is an aspie thing. I'm no doctor but my opinion on it is this, they get away with it because their NT brains are working from the same programming and state of mind. When they slight one another or complement one another or let one another know through actions that might be considered rude or unkind, they automatically understand each other. They know why someone stop talking to them or said something smart ass to them or acted jealous or what have you. Whereas with us, we don't think the same or react the same or anything from the get go. Chances are, they didn't understand you to begin with and excepted the things about you that they liked or whatever but when you did something that slighted them or whatever… They found your actions which were strange to begin with to be even more strange. And if I know anything, it's that people don't like to be around people who they don't have that natural kinship and bond with. We make up less than 1% of people and they make up 99%. Unless were extremely good at faking it and coming off like one of them, we were strange when it started. I'm just trying to explain it from my perspective. My whole point is that I do believe that it is normal that this happens to us. It's that seemingly eternal pain of being on the spectrum. No matter how hard we try, we will never truly understand the way their brains work and they will never understand ours. Hence the name of this site.

That's too bad, it makes it very hard to not become cynical towards others

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07 May 2017, 9:16 pm

NorthWind wrote:

If it's not mean people, then it's because of a misunderstanding. There are a lot of subtle unwritten rules about when and towards whom you can do what. If you do something in the wrong context people will misinterpret your intentions.
If you are close friends with someone you can be a lot more honest and direct about some things than if you are just acquaintances. Close friends will usually know if someone does something for another reason than being mean - e.g. if it's just a joke rather than a snide remark or if it's genuine criticism to help the other person. If you're just acquaintances you have to be much more careful about your wording or it'll be taken as a personal attack. Thus some autistic people might experience different reactions towards them than towards another person as unfair, even if the reason might be that their relationship to that person is different.

Yeah, this is a issue that I've been experiencing recently. Since I joined WP, I've mentioned in several posts this new friend that I've made and the problem that's developed between us. I was too honest and direct with him, even though we barely know each other and are still practically acquaintances. I wanted to be closer friends with him and I believed that he wanted to be closer friends with me, but I'm still unsure of his exact intentions. The rift that has developed between my friend and I is the result of a misunderstanding or miscommunication between us. I didn't understand him and he didn't understand me and my Asperger's only made this worse. That's why I'm doing my best to try to communicate with him again in order for us to understand each other better. This has also meant giving him the "space" that he likes that I was unintentionally inconsiderate of. I guess that all of us with Asperger's and on the autism spectrum have to be especially aware of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and unintentional disrespect of feelings.


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10 May 2017, 3:40 pm

W91T wrote:
TheWalrys435 wrote:
I have the same thing happen and it's a constant. Personally, I do believe that it is an aspie thing. I'm no doctor but my opinion on it is this, they get away with it because their NT brains are working from the same programming and state of mind. When they slight one another or complement one another or let one another know through actions that might be considered rude or unkind, they automatically understand each other. They know why someone stop talking to them or said something smart ass to them or acted jealous or what have you. Whereas with us, we don't think the same or react the same or anything from the get go. Chances are, they didn't understand you to begin with and excepted the things about you that they liked or whatever but when you did something that slighted them or whatever… They found your actions which were strange to begin with to be even more strange. And if I know anything, it's that people don't like to be around people who they don't have that natural kinship and bond with. We make up less than 1% of people and they make up 99%. Unless were extremely good at faking it and coming off like one of them, we were strange when it started. I'm just trying to explain it from my perspective. My whole point is that I do believe that it is normal that this happens to us. It's that seemingly eternal pain of being on the spectrum. No matter how hard we try, we will never truly understand the way their brains work and they will never understand ours. Hence the name of this site.

That's too bad, it makes it very hard to not become cynical towards others

I know it. Unfortunately, there is a part of me that is extremely bitter towards the NTs. It's not my natural state of being to be angry and I certainly don't harbor feelings of ill will toward anyone, but if I really sit and think about it, I do become angry. I cannot explain how difficult life is simply because our neurology is different from theirs. It is horribly unfair. I can so easily forget that I'm not like the normal people. It's happened so many times in my life that I thought I could be understood by them and it ends badly every single time. Because of this, I have a made a conscious decision to never again allow myself to think that they'll understand me much or me them. It's the only way for me to function in their world without becoming angry about the inevitable behavior they're going to demonstrate towards me. They're gonna condescend, misunderstand and subjugate my value when compared to theirs and other NTs.
I don't want it to be this way. It's just the way it is. But I don't hate anybody for it. I just realize that it comes from the differences in the way our brains are developed. But yeah, it is easy to be cynical.


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11 May 2017, 4:22 am

futuresoldier1944 wrote:
NorthWind wrote:

If it's not mean people, then it's because of a misunderstanding. There are a lot of subtle unwritten rules about when and towards whom you can do what. If you do something in the wrong context people will misinterpret your intentions.
If you are close friends with someone you can be a lot more honest and direct about some things than if you are just acquaintances. Close friends will usually know if someone does something for another reason than being mean - e.g. if it's just a joke rather than a snide remark or if it's genuine criticism to help the other person. If you're just acquaintances you have to be much more careful about your wording or it'll be taken as a personal attack. Thus some autistic people might experience different reactions towards them than towards another person as unfair, even if the reason might be that their relationship to that person is different.

Yeah, this is a issue that I've been experiencing recently. Since I joined WP, I've mentioned in several posts this new friend that I've made and the problem that's developed between us. I was too honest and direct with him, even though we barely know each other and are still practically acquaintances. I wanted to be closer friends with him and I believed that he wanted to be closer friends with me, but I'm still unsure of his exact intentions. The rift that has developed between my friend and I is the result of a misunderstanding or miscommunication between us. I didn't understand him and he didn't understand me and my Asperger's only made this worse. That's why I'm doing my best to try to communicate with him again in order for us to understand each other better. This has also meant giving him the "space" that he likes that I was unintentionally inconsiderate of. I guess that all of us with Asperger's and on the autism spectrum have to be especially aware of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and unintentional disrespect of feelings.

I think being honest and direct is a good thing. Sad that not everyone will take it nicely, at least at once


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12 May 2017, 1:09 am

Aspergers445 wrote:
The reason why NTs get away with things that Aspies wouldn't is because NTs are idiots. They enjoy singling Aspies out and think they are the perfect ones and we are thick and stupid, etc. One thing that pisses me off is when I am walking along my road or anywhere else for that matter is people overtake me a lot and if I try to overtake others I just get moaned at and accused of having no respect for other people. One day I am going to put my foot down and tell whoever accuses me of having no manners by saying "by the way you are talking to me you are the one with no bloody manners!". I have had enough of being treated differently by people at my previous job and my stepfather. My stepfather won't accept, understand or appreciate me for who I am. If I swear he will shout at me but he does enough swearing himself and that makes me angry. He swears a lot in front of me and he doesn't care that it upsets me. If I have an autistic meltdown he just loses his temper and shouts at me. He doesn't like the fact that I have Asperger's and does everything he can to make my life miserable. Sometimes my mum sticks up for me but usually she just makes excuses for him and that's him getting away with things. As for my former boss and colleagues, they thought I was a rude, selfish b***h and thought I just ignored them and didn't care when in actual fact they ignored me a lot and acted like I didn't even exist when I tried to talk to them. It's obvious I am not going to be missed now I am no longer working for that company.

Wow. That's a heavy post you made there. Similar experience here. My step-father is an alcoholic, abusive douche who came down real hard on me when I lived at home with them. My mother made excuses for him. He brought the outside worlds natural hostility to aspies into my home leaving me with no safe place to go. Having no safe place to go creates a feeling of dread that can only be understood by those who've felt it.
You mentioned the desire to tell people off for treating you unfairly. In my experience, this only makes matters worse. It's like, when I've tried to reason with people about how and why I feel that I'm being treated coldly and/or unfairly, they just laugh or sometimes even get worse.
I've just completely lost the belief that I can effectively express myself to others. Attempting to rectify the situation through my own means has exasterbated the situation almost without fail. My own solution is to accept that I'm simply not going to be able to fix it. Just have to live with it. Life to me is like a broken record. It plays the music but skips and jumps regularly deminishing the overall experience.


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13 May 2017, 6:07 am

TheWalrys435 wrote:
Aspergers445 wrote:
The reason why NTs get away with things that Aspies wouldn't is because NTs are idiots. They enjoy singling Aspies out and think they are the perfect ones and we are thick and stupid, etc. One thing that pisses me off is when I am walking along my road or anywhere else for that matter is people overtake me a lot and if I try to overtake others I just get moaned at and accused of having no respect for other people. One day I am going to put my foot down and tell whoever accuses me of having no manners by saying "by the way you are talking to me you are the one with no bloody manners!". I have had enough of being treated differently by people at my previous job and my stepfather. My stepfather won't accept, understand or appreciate me for who I am. If I swear he will shout at me but he does enough swearing himself and that makes me angry. He swears a lot in front of me and he doesn't care that it upsets me. If I have an autistic meltdown he just loses his temper and shouts at me. He doesn't like the fact that I have Asperger's and does everything he can to make my life miserable. Sometimes my mum sticks up for me but usually she just makes excuses for him and that's him getting away with things. As for my former boss and colleagues, they thought I was a rude, selfish b***h and thought I just ignored them and didn't care when in actual fact they ignored me a lot and acted like I didn't even exist when I tried to talk to them. It's obvious I am not going to be missed now I am no longer working for that company.

Wow. That's a heavy post you made there. Similar experience here. My step-father is an alcoholic, abusive douche who came down real hard on me when I lived at home with them. My mother made excuses for him. He brought the outside worlds natural hostility to aspies into my home leaving me with no safe place to go. Having no safe place to go creates a feeling of dread that can only be understood by those who've felt it.
You mentioned the desire to tell people off for treating you unfairly. In my experience, this only makes matters worse. It's like, when I've tried to reason with people about how and why I feel that I'm being treated coldly and/or unfairly, they just laugh or sometimes even get worse.
I've just completely lost the belief that I can effectively express myself to others. Attempting to rectify the situation through my own means has exasterbated the situation almost without fail. My own solution is to accept that I'm simply not going to be able to fix it. Just have to live with it. Life to me is like a broken record. It plays the music but skips and jumps regularly deminishing the overall experience.

Same, when I tell them they wont believe me and decides to never talk to me again, too bad about your father.