Everybody but me on Facebook
I am working on that and I have learned to be thankful for my closest friends who are real.

Facebook has actually helped me social-wise. Because I'm often shy when around people I don't know too well, it's harder for me to form close friendships. But because I express myself on Facebook, the people on there see past my shy side and then when I see them at a social event they want to talk to me more because they already know the things I like and the sort of person I am by my Facebook status, and I find myself forming a friendship. So, to me, Facebook has benefited me. Also I'm not so shy on Facebook.
Me too lol, I use IG more ( and for me that's not saying much because I don't use social media sites often, more so on youtube because I make video edits )
Fake book is a mess, I just use it for my "like" pages, As crazy as this sounds I have 2 facebook
1 for family members , ( only have about 18 people on there )
other FB is where I just add random people ( about 260 on there but I always delete people lol because after a while it gets draining )
I've been detoxing myself from FB, IG though ( even though I don't post much on either, made a challenge for myself not to make a post, or go on it for a year )
And plus FB has been going downhill for quite sometime now, kinda like how Myspace was................Now when Myspace was around I would get so creative with the layouts lollllllll. Back to topic, you're not missing much on FB lol.......... Twitter, IG are alot better
I use Facebook still but most people in my life if not everyone have left Facebook and only use Messenger, I still have some use for it though as I admin two pages and i'm active in a few groups on there as well.
How odd of your colleauges to delete and block you.... I had the same thing happen with a male colleuage last year whom I added on Facebook as I liked him and we used to small talk at work and he accepted my request only to months later delete me again. Still continued being nice to me at work though.
The whole social media thing with adding people in general can be quite sensitive in my opinion. Some people really do mean no harm by deleting friends online they may just want to keep those they speak to regularly or know pretty well in real life while others do delete people because they have a personal issue with them and it can be quite hard to tell which one it is and it's not something I would ask someone either.
I once deleted a guy on Facebook i'd only chatted with twice and never met in real life because I was in the process of cleaning out my Facebook friends list to only keep people I know in person or internet friends. He got so angry and upset that he sent me a novel-length message after that accusing me of being a horrible and insensitive person and calling me all kinds of things and then blocking me before I could even respond or explain anything.... Nah I don't like it much anymore. /:
It also feels so harsh how you can sometimes grow apart from someone you used to be close to and they go to Facebook and delete you. It's such a strong way to throw in your face that "this friendship really is over, here is the visual proof", same with relationship statuses. Ugh. Hate it.
How odd of your colleauges to delete and block you.... I had the same thing happen with a male colleuage last year whom I added on Facebook as I liked him and we used to small talk at work and he accepted my request only to months later delete me again. Still continued being nice to me at work though.
The whole social media thing with adding people in general can be quite sensitive in my opinion. Some people really do mean no harm by deleting friends online they may just want to keep those they speak to regularly or know pretty well in real life while others do delete people because they have a personal issue with them and it can be quite hard to tell which one it is and it's not something I would ask someone either.
I once deleted a guy on Facebook i'd only chatted with twice and never met in real life because I was in the process of cleaning out my Facebook friends list to only keep people I know in person or internet friends. He got so angry and upset that he sent me a novel-length message after that accusing me of being a horrible and insensitive person and calling me all kinds of things and then blocking me before I could even respond or explain anything.... Nah I don't like it much anymore. /:
It also feels so harsh how you can sometimes grow apart from someone you used to be close to and they go to Facebook and delete you. It's such a strong way to throw in your face that "this friendship really is over, here is the visual proof", same with relationship statuses. Ugh. Hate it.
My goodness, that is the worse, and what makes it horrid is when the relationship status changes, it's announced all over the news feed like " X is now single again " or something like that. Talk about wanting to hide under a rock.
I use Fakebook to share about Autism, Asperger's and my other "like" pages, to be honest. Not that open, honest, or candid because I only have 33 friends on there. I prefer mewe.com ...I am more candid, open, and honest about what I post on there. I post youtube songs to the guy I'm interested in on mewe.com profile because he is ACTUALLY on mewe OVER any social media! Wow, that was a shocker when I found my true love on mewe. This guy HATES/LOATHES social media and HAS no trace of any social media!
I used to be on Facebook to reach out to people,only to realize that it's waste of time.Facebook is a website where NT's seem to do a lot of their Gossiping.Also it seems like Facebook is fading and not nearly as Popular as it used to be.Really Facebook or most social Media Platforms are useless,Particularly for Aspies.
Facebook is toxic and I deleted my account.
It's everything that is wrong with the real world with the illusion of anonymity. Most people post in the 1 hour that there life is sunny and happy, neglecting the other 11 hours when it's just not. It gives a life benchmark that is not realistically achievable.
It brings out the worst in neurotypicals and they act in the most cruel ways imaginable and find some tentative way to justify it. I'm often accused of being cold or flat in real life, but I don't gather a select group of friends then go out of my way to block or exclude others. If I don't talk to someone in real life I'm considered rude, if a neurotypical blocks me on facebook and talks about me, that's absolutely fine. It's hypocritical and wrong.
I suggest to anyone, especially people who try to think and act logically, stay away at all costs.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 174 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 38 of 200
The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) 195.0
It's everything that is wrong with the real world with the illusion of anonymity. Most people post in the 1 hour that there life is sunny and happy, neglecting the other 11 hours when it's just not. It gives a life benchmark that is not realistically achievable.
It brings out the worst in neurotypicals and they act in the most cruel ways imaginable and find some tentative way to justify it. I'm often accused of being cold or flat in real life, but I don't gather a select group of friends then go out of my way to block or exclude others. If I don't talk to someone in real life I'm considered rude, if a neurotypical blocks me on facebook and talks about me, that's absolutely fine. It's hypocritical and wrong.
I suggest to anyone, especially people who try to think and act logically, stay away at all costs.
You might enjoy this video satire of the REAL fakebook experience... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxVZYiJKl1Y
Unfollowing and unfriending is weeding out fake people from your life regardless if they unfriend/unfollow you or you unfriend/unfollow them. I deleted Facebook after rarely using it and I have never looked back. Social media is so fake because people make their lives to appear more interesting than they are.