mmm, well, first, like others here had sugested, find acceptance where its more due, like nerd communities. many nerds dont drink either btw. then, dont proclaim u dont drink\smoke. go to a gathering. go for alcho-free drinks there. only respond if asked. yep, i like that stuff more. but i also like u guys, so shall we all go for our tastes? if a community is BUILT around getting shitfaced, its a wrong sort of community. if its not, nobody will have problem with u, unless u give them one. yes i perfectly relate about acceptance. i have so long trail of that problem. but well, trully, i managed to sit out things with alcho, and even have fun.
about nightclubs, ya well a thing for a taste. but ukno nerds dont meet in clubs, they meet in libraries)))) or in chats^^ and cyberspace is a lifespace too. main one, for me.
sanity is a prison. insanity is doom. is there a third option, please?
beware the ire of the patient ones!
and if i walk away, who is gonna stay? i believe to make the world be a better place.