You know... The neighbors
I live full time in a 45+ foot camper. Not like redneck-ville. A beautiful park of 183 acres with sauna and hot tubs and 3 pools and such. It's nice and clean, with lots of wildlife. In the winter we have almost no neighbors (20 couples spread across the whole place). In the summer, it's very busy.
My husband spends a lot of time gardening, roses and orchids and stuff. The neighbors like him. He's home during the day, and helps the older "snowbirds" who are up here for the summer. I hide behind him and they just think I'm "shy".
There are a lot of rules where we live, but most of them are to enforce that the park is a park and not a "trailer court". Those aren't hard to live with. Since our neighbors are seasonal, it's easy to stay on good relations with them. And people who RV are pretty much respectful of privacy anyway. It's not a bad way for an aspie to live at all.
We do have some snobs who would like people to think that they are wealthy kings of the world visiting their "summer homes" (posh accent). Come on, they ARE campers for god's sake. Those I don't like and avoid.
I don't really know my neighbours.
Our neighbour on the right (to the east) has about six rusty, gross cars in his drive and in front of his house. He is nice, but we don't really like the cars.
Our neighbours behind us (to the north) have a falcon. It sounds like a turkey! The man uses it to go hunting. I've stood on a chair in my backyard to look over the fence and watched him practice with it. It's cool! Also their dog and our dogs talk to each other through the fence.
Scoots5012, your neighbours were a little extreme by calling the police. I wouldn't really like things being tossed into my yard, but I wouldn't have gone to those measures. I probably would've just knocked on your door and kindly ask you to stop.