Mountain Goat wrote:
lmhatahata wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
Which country are you from?
im in Brazil. Been to the UK once, London. I loved it but Id like to visit other places someday.
I live in a place called Wales. I am told that London has lots of people living there and traffic jams. Here if there are more then 15 cars queueing up in one place we think it is a traffic jam!
London is crazy! Nice to visit but I wouldnt live there. So expensive! Id like to visit Wales one day. And maybe Scotland. Ive been to Ireland but not to Scotland yet. A friend told me it is pretty.
I like small towns. I lived for 6 1/2 yrs in Halifax, Canada, and I liked it a lot.
"But all my words come back to me
in shades of mediocrity
Like emptiness in harmony
I need someone to comfort me"