Aspie1 wrote:
Possibly, it wasn't "awkward". It was fine.
NTs will often act in confusing or unpredictable ways to troll you or intimidate you. It's a faked act, due to the NTs' predatory instincts: the strong dominate and abuse the weak. My therapist and even my own family did that to me more times than I can count, all because they saw me as weak garbage to be messed with for a cheap thrill. Particularly, they'd pretend they don't know what I'm talking about when I talked about the most normal things, like my toys getting thrown out while I was away, or my sister being favored over me. The person who trolled you had the same mindset. So don't let it unsettle you. Kick them out of your life instead. It's the only thing those NT people will understand.
Well, I think
some NTs will act in that manner, but not all of them.
And I think predatory instincts are usually within certain prison culture, or schools, or gangs (which may include fraternities, but obviously not as severe as criminal gangs).
The examples you give suggest more covert abuse or passive-aggression; if anything it seems more cowardly to me, like they couldn't be belligerent about it and say "Yeah, I DID throw your toys away, because I think they're stupid."
So what's the deal with the abuse from your therapist? Was he/she gaslighting you or something?