What's appropriate response to use of "gay" as der

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10 Sep 2007, 3:10 pm

Cooper wrote:
Using the word "gay" as derogatory is always offensive. Whatever your intention in using it that way, the message that you are sending is that gay people are inferior people. It's not being "PC" or "overly-sensitive" to suggest that you shouldn't use the word "gay" in that context.

That being said, unless you have some authority on the forum (admin, mod, etc.) or you know that a mod or admin agrees that the word "ghey" is offensive, there is no point in correcting they guy who said "ghey". 9 times out of 10 pointing out that someone is being offensive just starts long flame-wars online, where you end up looking aggressive and foolish. Nothing will change on the forum and the guy who said "ghey" will just be more eager to say it again, because he's learned that it gets him lots of attention. Save your efforts for those you can educate (like friends, online friends, or family) and make sure that you never say things you think are offensive just to fit in.

Couldn't have said it better myself!


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11 Sep 2007, 2:31 am

I don't believe in being derogatory intentionally, but I do think the world (at least the USA) is waaay too politically correct.

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11 Sep 2007, 3:47 am

I think it's a shame that it's used as it
is. But, unless you're on a board which
is filled with absolute fascists, you aren't
going to make friends by speaking up
about it. It's just too prevalent in today's


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11 Sep 2007, 9:45 am

Not in all of it. Maybe teenagers or something, but certainly not among decent people, and more than racial slurs would be used.

It is not acceptable, and I'm sick of people claiming this political correctness garbage. You act treat others decently as best you can and as fairly as you can because that's the only way to have a decent society and because that's how we all want to be treated ourselves.

"Ho ho ho I hate political correctness" is just messed up.


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11 Sep 2007, 2:27 pm

Wolfpup wrote:
...It is not acceptable...

I think you need to qualify your comments with in my opinion.

The word "ghey" does seem to be used quite a bit. It appears, from what's written here, that it is netspeak, as it were, for "gay". I really can't see the problem in using it to describe an object, person, opinion etc. Thanks to the gay rights movement, the word does connote various things. Here's an example:


That seems very ghey to me. It also has some relevance to the original meaning of the word "gay". Indeed, the combination of the modern connotations and the original meaning may make it a useful part of the language.


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11 Sep 2007, 3:52 pm

computerlove wrote:
If business meetings were like Forums:


You seem new to internet. I think Merle (sinsbodly) posted a link to all kinds of people you'll encounter in internet, will try to find it.

and yes, ghey = gay.

If you try to reply with "that's innappropiate etc. etc." it will only fuel them to write more.
Best thing to do is to avoid that people (also called trolls).


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12 Sep 2007, 10:16 am

ascan wrote:
Wolfpup wrote:
...It is not acceptable...

I think you need to qualify your comments with in my opinion.

Okay, then "in my opinion" it is not acceptable to treat people like dirt because of factors beyond their control.


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20 Sep 2007, 10:01 am

ya, gay shouldnt be used like that, its especialy offensive to me, 'cause i go to a school thats really cool about sexuality, and i have a lot of gay/bi friends. when people use it around you, if it bothers you, just say so, and say why

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21 Sep 2007, 8:54 pm

You wouldn't last a day in my 2X class.


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22 Sep 2007, 6:51 am

Hw should you respond to this bad use of English? Smack the offending party around the face and say "learn to speak properly, idiot!"

It's like people writing "would of" instead of "would have". Really annoys me, so it does...

Why so serious?


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22 Sep 2007, 9:51 am

Though at least that isn't malicious, just incorrect.

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22 Sep 2007, 11:58 pm

As much as it annoys me, I think people can say "that's gay" all they want. It just makes them look stupid because they lack the means to find a better word to use, so they use something that, when looked at contextually, makes no sense. An inanimate object or a concept cannot be homosexual, or even "happy". My typical reaction to people like that is to make fun of how moronic they really are. What if people went around saying "that's straight"? How dumb does that sound?


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23 Sep 2007, 1:51 pm

I am opposed to that term being used to describe someone who isn't "with it".


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