affengeil, you raise some good points. It may not be completely subjective. I suspect beauty can be broken down into various different forms, some of which are more subjective than others.
The beauty inherent in say, the female form, can be wildly varied depending on all manner of factors. Culture can make a great difference. In say, Tunisian culture, there is a preference for shorter, large breasted females, preferably with decent hips. The taller, more Vogue Magazine looking women are not considered all that hot.
Some people consider Angelina Jolie the height of beauty, and indeed she does have many facets that are technically beautiful, but others think shes a big-lipped stick insect. Britney suffers from a similar problem. Well, not so much these days, as shes a raving skinhead nutter, but not so long ago, she was quite attractive.. if you like blondes. And theres the next thing.. things like hair colour are a matter of taste. Black, brunette, blonde, redhead.. which is most beautiful? Are asians truly the hottest and most attractive? Or are they a nation of schoolchildren?
Best we can say is that we know what WE like.
Incidentally.. your bedroom floor might not be "beautiful".. unless it were covered with the finest persian rugs, or tiled with an intricate mosaic. Even floors can be a thing of beauty, given the right decor.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]