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20 Aug 2005, 11:48 am


I think his head was hotter than his manifolds :lol: :lol: :lol:

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
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05 Sep 2005, 8:39 am

BeeBee wrote:
Does anyone else here have problems with NTs in public?

It sounds like what you really are asking is: "Does anyone else here have problems with rude people in public?"

Not all NTs are rude. Not all rude people are NTs.

Exactly. I really hate it when people of the autistic spectrum generalise those who are neurologically different based on a few idiots.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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05 Sep 2005, 8:41 am

What's a NT? :?


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05 Sep 2005, 8:45 am

hybrid wrote:
What's a NT? :?

NT is the acronym for Neurotypical. It's a term used by most autistics to describe those who are on the "normal" thinking range. In other words, those who aren't autistic.


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05 Sep 2005, 11:01 am

BeeBee wrote:
Does anyone else here have problems with NTs in public?

It sounds like what you really are asking is: "Does anyone else here have problems with rude people in public?"

Not all NTs are rude. Not all rude people are NTs.

I'm glad that someone else on this board feels that way.

I don't really have strangers being rude to me in public a lot. There are some cases where they think I'm being rude, but that is, or course, because I was breaking some social rule.

However, and I don't know if this is straying off the topic a bit, but last night I was walking around wearing a Miami Hurricanes shirt, which prompted about 5 different random people on the street to yell "MIAMI SUCKS" and other things of that nature. I don't know why I let this bug me, but I did. I mean they didn't even know me and probably didn't even mean it as an attack on me as a person, plus I don't even really like the Hurricanes. I guess I just don't like random A-holes drawing negative attention to me.


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05 Sep 2005, 11:39 am

mikibacsi1124 wrote:
I'm glad that someone else on this board feels that way.

there are a few of us on here, you know. ;)

i loathe discourtesy. and i'm terribly "british", so i have very high standards of courtesy. someone omitting to say "please" or "thank you" can send my blood pressure through the roof.


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05 Sep 2005, 7:10 pm

The only reason I'm not rude most of the time is to avoid my mom bithching at me....other than that I couldn't care less about offending people

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05 Sep 2005, 8:20 pm

mikibacsi1124 wrote:
BeeBee wrote:
Does anyone else here have problems with NTs in public?

It sounds like what you really are asking is: "Does anyone else here have problems with rude people in public?"

Not all NTs are rude. Not all rude people are NTs.

I'm glad that someone else on this board feels that way.

I'm another one here who thinks this way! NT bashing drives me insane! :x

I don't like rude people in general. It's definitely not just NTs. Some of the rudest people I can think of most likely have serious AS, and they never think before they say things that are extremely rude and inappropriate.


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06 Oct 2005, 6:33 pm

I work at a grocery store part time and some people I have met there are very rude too. Once a man tripped over a cart I was pushing because he wasn't looking where he was going and then he swears at me. Why can people not take responsibility for thier own mistakes? :?


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06 Oct 2005, 9:01 pm

I've had people (and these are people I do NOT know)and they'll rudely question the way I dress.Or they'll just stare at you while they are whispering and giggling.And I AHTE it when some random person will just come up to and say,"Whazzup,chicka?!What's your name?Where you from?Can I have your phone number?"I've even been followed around and some peopletried to pick me up(in a car) one time.

-SpaceCase :x

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16 Oct 2005, 4:09 pm

My usual MO is to act like any decent human being and ignore the pigf***ers. If a guy hoots and hollers at me, I tell him, "You're just a blind slave to white, Western patriarchal constructs of conquer and control, aren't you, you little b*tch?" It's a great canned line, and it usually throws them for a bit of a loop, and while they're searching for a line (best they can usually come up with is, "Goddamned feminists...") I can pass by unscathed.


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16 Oct 2005, 8:09 pm

hoots and hollers?

Guys in general are annoying, no matter what they have. They just piss me off.


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22 Oct 2005, 1:29 am

I was in a small shop this morning with Mum, and there was this girl in there who rang someone on her phone. When the person answered, it sounded loud so everyone in the shop could hear it.
I was so angry that I felt sick to my stomach. I just could not believe how rude she was. :x


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22 Oct 2005, 10:54 am

BeeBee wrote:
Does anyone else here have problems with NTs in public?

It sounds like what you really are asking is: "Does anyone else here have problems with rude people in public?"

Not all NTs are rude. Not all rude people are NTs.

True, true.

fahreeq wrote:
If I have to talk to get people to stop doing whatever it is they are doing that bugs me, then yes, I have problems. I swear, there is something totally wrong with the way that I talk because people just don't respond to me like they do to the average person.

But if all I have to do is look at people or make eye contact, I don't have quite so many problems. When I'm not smiling, I look angry and evil. I've intimidated quite a few people blocking aisles in the grocery store out of my way just by looking at them.

Hahaha. I usually do something like this:

excuse me.

Excuse me.


Which is not all that great to do or be subjected to, but it usually works. :P

Scoots5012 wrote:
I had a guy go off on me at a gas station becasue I pulled into a pump which happened to block his path out of the station...

How was I suppose to know his car didn't have a reverse on it?

So while he cursed up a storm at me, he pushed his car back, then he got back and floored it around, all the while giving me the finger and cursing and screaming, not even watching where he was going.

If his car ddin't have a reverse he had bigger problems than just you. 8O

vetivert wrote:
mikibacsi1124 wrote:
I'm glad that someone else on this board feels that way.

there are a few of us on here, you know. ;)

i loathe discourtesy. and i'm terribly "british", so i have very high standards of courtesy. someone omitting to say "please" or "thank you" can send my blood pressure through the roof.

You'd hate me then IRL. It doesn't come naturally to me, and while I don't MIND saying "please" "thank you" and other such pleasantries, sometimes it doesn't occur to me to say it in a timely manner. ((Sometimes I will omit pleasantries if I'm very pissed but that's less often the reason.))


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22 Oct 2005, 4:05 pm

I have a problem with people in general, I dislike most of them.
