My name is Patrice Vanzini and I'm french (then sorry for my poor english
I plan to create my own software company and one part of my project is to create a vertical social network in order to create a "virtual communauty" based on an existant one (your tennis club, your university,...).
The Software will allow you to manage your activity (tennis training, rank, statistics,... in collaboration with your professor, link studants and their studant office,...) and to communicate with other members (chat, IPCall,...)
By this way, as I have a problem too with confidentiality not offer by facebook, your personnal datas will stay on your own computer (you will keep the possibility to send them to your friends). An other important thing, you will have to register threw the administrator of your communauty (tennis coach,...) in order to avoid anonymous people on your network (informations broadcasted will be limited to your name and your "real" communauty name (eg: Vanzini / Tennis club of britany |Thats all!)).
I would like to have your opinion about this concept...
Hi Patrice, c'est interessant, mais malheureusment je n'ai pas tout compris. Pouvez-vous l'expliquer encore brevement en Francais? Merci...