How they treat others when they are not having clear skies adorning their own horizons, this is the kinda degree of a human that reflects their depth of light. Always seeking to wish nicer things for those around them whilst they battle storms blasting through their own lives, if they try to be a sun ray for others and provide a pleasant breeze I think they deserve the title of nice. Spreading the positive and blessed fragrance if your existence is going swimmingly and taking on the load that others are finding hard. I want to be a better human everyday and think I am a good person, I'm not sure if I am a nice person as I have not met too many other people yet but those I have believe I am a nice person and I think I have grown to be a more understanding and patient person through my trials and see what a nice person must do, it is harder than being a less considerate or caring person, takes a lot more energy and hard grind.