what is it with Asperger's people and anime?

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02 May 2008, 11:47 am

Lightning88 wrote:
I honestly can't stand anime. I've had lots of friends who have liked it in the past, but the last thing they could ever do was get me into it. I prefer American or Canadian animation, or anything semi-realistic like 'All Grown Up' and 'Hey Arnold'.

all-grown-up is awful
well not really, but it is over frasnchising in my eyes

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02 May 2008, 1:46 pm

No - its a generational thing. This next generation is really into anime. I know because i do work in education and EVERYONE is super into anime everywhere

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02 May 2008, 9:00 pm

I absolutely, absolutely cannot stand anime.

No offense.

I had a phase where I tried to 'get into' anime because I thought that's what Aspies were supposed to like, but then I realized that trying to be a stereotypical Aspie was about as useless as trying to pretend to be neurotypical.


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02 May 2008, 10:06 pm

Well, I would say, not so much as anime as I am in Pokémon am I interested. Loads of reasons, I may make a blog about it. (I am one of those much dreaded Shippers, of Advance Shipper, and Ash&Misty Shipper.) :roll:

Yes? What is it? Ok. Now that is good.


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03 May 2008, 2:56 am

Shinmizu wrote:
Possibly the fact that animation tends to be exaggerated due to limitations of the medium--the facial expressions, emotions, etc. of characters in anime are far, far easier to determine with reasonable accuracy than those of real people. I guess it's an, "Oh, I get how they are, and can actually (sym/em)pathize with them" reaction.

I don't understand the appeal of Dragonball, though.

That's funny Shunmizu. Like you I said something VERY similar in my very first post too:

Thomas1138 wrote:
I've been toying with the idea that it might also have something to do with the exagerated body language and visual emotional cues inherent in the artform.

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04 May 2008, 12:45 pm

I do not like anime, and the percentage of NT teenagers into the genre far outstrips the number of Aspies and Auties. I think that it's like asking why so many Aspies like AIM or MySpace; it's just one of the nuances of the teenage generation.

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08 May 2008, 12:41 am

I like Anime. But I like ones with more complex themes and plotlines than the ones they used to play on Adult Swim (Does that even still exist xD)

I read the Death Note books. They are very nice and the plotline can get fairly complex. I like to work my brain.


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08 May 2008, 3:35 am

Never could really get into anime. I like about 2 movies(I can't remember his dang it! or the titles of his movies.)

He is an illustrative artist known to have started the trend of the style of anime and then others followed in his footsteps. Can't think of the name of his movies either :x but I noticed it didn't compare to the anime shows or illustrations like today. His were less uniformed and more visual than the ones I've seen of today's anime. If I can find his name I'll post it.

I really don't know why aspies are more into anime. As an aspie myself I've just taken notice of the seeminly large numbers of anime fans ranging from different ages on this site. I've also noticed which I didn't at first because I thought they were Japanese is the usernames used from anime characters. So I really don't know why this is as I could never identify with it or most things for that matter.

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09 May 2008, 12:48 pm

I'm just into for the entertainment and other things. I'm One Piece fan because it has LOL moments that are funny that do make me laugh.

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10 May 2008, 3:03 am

I am sometimes obbessed about anime. Currently, it's not my obbession, but I have no doubt that I will get back into it soon.

I don't really know what it is about anime that I like. But the fact that the characters' emotions are easy to understand is one part of it.

But there is another thing that I have considered. Something that happens in some anime is that the main character gets to take revange on the bullies. The main character of Bleach would be picked on, but he's powerful and takes out all the bullies in one hit. And Naruto was bullied, but then got really powerful and... Well I don't really know what he did then, I got tired of the series before that.

I've seen other similiar things, just those two are shows that most people would know of. And in other animes, the weirdos are simply accepted despite being odd. I wonder if these things may be what appealed to me. After all, punching back, or just being allowed to be me, was what I used to dream of.


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13 May 2008, 8:40 pm

I like the fact that the stories are fun, there are a lot of visual stimulation and clues, and the exaggerated facial expressions. When I'm reading I have a strong sense of plot and I can visualize well, but my mind doesn't work in a way that has the characters moving fluidly or having voices.

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16 May 2008, 4:19 pm

<---- Aspergers, guilty as charged here.

I loved fairy tales as a kid and developed myself around them, which, while gaining the respect of older people, left me in an awkward position with the scummy people around my age later (who devoted themselves to sex drugs and alcohol). So I was made fun of for keeping myself virtuous and noble in beliefs, without a basis on religion for it. I learned the hard way that the world sucks.

Animes allow me to view a show where a fairy tale is the story, and in a way even an adult can enjoy a cartoon like so. Worlds with heroes, where romance is about destiny not lust, where comedy and friends are around every corner. I watch animes because I enjoy the stories and they give me a way of watching great stories nonstop (TONS of animes out there). But I'm a bit picky with animes.

Here's the real reason I watch anime. Because it takes 2-4 years for them to produce a good super hero movie 2 hours long. Viva la IRONMAN!


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17 May 2008, 12:36 am

I have no interest in Anime. I am too old for it, lol. My generation were into... actually I cant really remember. I do remember they liked grunge rock, and metal: Nirvana, Guns n Roses and Metallica, Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Kurt Cobain committed suicide when I was 15 and that had a huge impact on teens at the time. Also, River Phoenix :( , that upset me .

Ren and Stimpy was popular, and other similar cartoons.

There was no internet, and no cellphones yet, (though I think some rich people were proudly carrying around the first Large Brick Cell Phones). We had computers at school but they were ancient-looking things! I remember the clumsy manual programming we were taught (which I ignored as I found it boring.)

It really wasnt that long ago, either!

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17 May 2008, 1:10 am

There was no internet, and no cellphones yet, (though I think some rich people were proudly carrying around the first Large Brick Cell Phones).

My dad had a cell phone way back in the 80s and we were hardly rich. He worked for himself and needed a phone for his truck since he pretty much only stopped at his office to pick up mail. And it wasn't that big. Bigger than today's micro-sized cells that don't even reach halfway to your mouth perhaps, but I don't think that's really a sign of progress.

Matter of fact, he kept the same cell phone (and cheap plan) until only about 3-4 years ago when the thing finally died.


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17 May 2008, 5:19 am

You are probably right about that. I think there were cellphones around when I was a teen, but they were rudimentary ones. I think I remember my uncle having a brick when I was about 14...in my country that was progress, to have a Brick phone, and you were doing very well if you have one of these large phones.

In my later teens people started to get cellphones for the first time...noone at school had one though. It was people's parents. I got my first cellphone when I was 19- my mother bought it for me so that I could call her when I was going out. I remember it had really fuzzy reception and didnt work in many parts of town, lol.

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18 May 2008, 12:06 am

I've been an anime fan since the mid 80's, when it was still Japanimation and if you mentioned it, people assumed you meant tentacle porn.

Part of the appeal is the obviousness of the characters' emotions, but also that they have emotions at all. Many American live-action shows feature characters who have no more reaction to finding the body of a friend than they do to losing their car keys.

Also, many anime feature incompetent main characters who have to struggle to achieve their potential. I prefer these characters to the heroes who succeed without really trying.