I get along better with guys, or guys get along better with me, or something. I'm sexed and genedered female and am heterosexual, but nevertheless am regarded by my friends as a "great guy." ((I can see the humor in that at least.)) I AM masculine for a female, insofar as my thinking style (for example, if I hear a problem, my first instinct is to fix it if I can, not to merely commisserate). The vast majority of my friends are male.
Oh, and yes, cats rock.
iamlucille wrote:
Guys are generally pretty immature. I've been lucky to find some guys that aren't, and I've become friends with quite a few of them. The whole sports thing isn't really an issue for me since I play sports too, and well girls... I just give them advice and contribute even though I often disregard their views on girls (I'll be thinking to him: "Obviously I don't agree that she's hot... I think YOU'RE hot."). Sometimes I can get a meaningful convarsation out of a guy. Sometimes. The rest of the time it's just joking, which isn't too bad.
Oh yeah - a lot of guys seem to lack sympathy and respect for girls, or they're just blind to what we think. But that's all i'm saying, hopefully most people have seen different!
I LIKE hanging around with totally immature guys! It's like the childhood I never had!
OK, so it woud suck if that was all the social interactino I had, but I can see goofiness as a plus sometimes.