duncvis wrote:
Text message language drives me insane. It is hard to read, contains deliberate misspellings and makes the user appear illiterate. I hate seeing it even in text messages and refuse to use it myself.
I've noticed over the past 10 years or so a general decline in the quality of the English I see in print and on screen. Now that IMing is so prevalent, and kids in general are as badly educated as they are, I think it'll get even worse. I mentioned on another forum that we might eventually see corporate memos that look like this:
tHeIr wIlL B A mEeTiNg 2mArRo @9am iN dA cOnFrEnSe rOoM plZzZ b tHeiIr ok tHaNx bYeEeEeE!! !! !! !! !! !!
Oh my god. We have to keep this from happening. Who's with me?