RGiJapan wrote:
I like drinking with friends. It can be calming. I normally try to drink at a level where I'm buzzed but not drunk. But I can understand if someone doesn't want to drink since it effects everyone differently. It's not for everyone. For me it's funner with friends but it can be relaxing to have a drink alone while enjoying a hobby at home as well.
Yeah, I think people enjoy me more if I'm a bit tipsy. Being out in a social situation is a lot of pressure for me so when I'm sober I don't enjoy being out with friends as much. I can't stand when people are drunk and I'm not.
A few social drinks on the weekend is ok. A piss up once every few months is allright. You've got to have fun and a lot of us need alcohol to actually enjoy being out in soical situations.
I don't have a problem if people don't drink. One of my friends is completely drug and alcohol free. I don't see him as much but I respect his choice.
Barce wrote:
I don't understand how many of you have drunk. I've still never been drunk or dranken any alchoholic beverage. I've never been to a pub, club, or party then again. Hmmm i've been invited a couple of times, but i just never end up going. A part of me (who gets defeated alot by this other more negative part of me), wants to drink and have fun. I want to run around wildly and be my own individual self who others can love me for. I've only got a couple of friends who can take me out to a bar, pub or club. I'm just too scared and disinterested in those places (this is the negative side of me talking now lol) though. The places itself don't interest me, nor the scenario, however being myself and getting wonderful attention for it, especially from ladies would interest me a great deal.
Look on the brightside: you are much healthier than a lot of us. I have cut down recently for my health's sake. But yeah, I'm not as fun if I don't have a few drinks.