I'm black. the reason why Black people dont get diagnosed is the fact that there are not enough males diagnosed in the first place who are black. You need autistic males to have more autistic females. If there werent any autistic males there would probably be no autistic females because males are 4:1 ratio.
Now Black autistic boys are seen as defiant, slow, ret*d, or other bahavioral problems such as adhd. Autism is a disorder that people feel sympathy torwards. I'm sorry to say it, but not too many people in the world feel sympathy torwards african americans, in general african american males. African American males are seen as the most intimidating people on earth.
All autistic people can be:
-defiant torward authority
-have meltdowns, tantrums, get extremely angry
-have learning problems
-come off as smart asses when they are really being literal.
Put all of these traits into a young black man, and what do you get.
You get an ignorant black boy as NTs like to call it.
His meltdowns are seen as angry defiant behavior along with the smart allic attitude that appears from being literal. and without diagnosis of autism, his learning problem never imrpoves, so he is put ito special ed as adhd or slow.
Black Men are never viewed as shy and timid. They are viewed as tough, rough, ignorant, dumb, dominant, womanizing, get all the girls men. This can cause a black boy with asperger's who are none of these things (Most black men arent anyways its just a stereotype) to feel insecure and not sure of how to act. Therefore his life is more miserable. and he is constantly teased by his black peers for being too "WHITE" or "GAY" ...trust me I've been called these things. and he ends with a depressed life, and eventually tries to fit in, or tries to fit the black stereotype to feel better, but finds out thats not what he wants to be.
If you cant get men to be diagnosed out of a certain social group, what makes you think women will be diagnosed as well. No there are so few black women diagnosed with autism because there are so few black men, all because people dont take time to notice the problems whenn they are younger, and dont care, because many people dont care about black kids.
Who's fault is it. Black and White peoples. its black peoples fault for not educating themselves enough on autism, and white peoples fault for the prejudiced biased views towards the black kids that they teach.
FYI it happens to Latino kids as well.