AJCoyne wrote:
It will probably help you understand people a little better, but in a completely analytical way. I have studied people etc for a while and I feel I understand them more but not in a close way...more like in the way you would perhaps study birds and feel you know birds better, if that makes sense. When I read about humans, I don't think about myself as one, and have therefore distanced my self from people completely- which is not what I initially intended.
I know exactly what you mean. I can figure people out very well. But I cannot connect to them. There have been times when I'll be watching a group of people and I get this feeling of not being like them at all. Even a little. It's hard to explain just how total this feeling is. Although I suspect many here will be familiar with it.
I suppose it is a normal AS feeling, not being human...but I really wouldn't recommend reading up on body language anymore. It may be better to learn kinetically? It's harder, but probably more rewarding.