klanka wrote:
I've seen you say a few times that you said something that an NT took great offense to.
Do you think you've gotten better at not saying stuff like that?
That's the problem. What is it that I say that is so offensive? I never know because no one ever tells me. I never say anything racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, I'm generally a nice, open minded person who is kind to others.
So WTF is so offensive about me? People just take offence and disappear without me ever knowing why. I wish they would say, 'you know when you said XYZ? What did you mean? Because it sounded nasty/rude/whatever.' And I could explain what I meant- 'no I didn't mean A, I meant B' In case they read something into my comment that wasn't intentional.
But. No one. Ever. Does. So I'm just abandoned and left in the dark.
Once I did ask what I'd said, and it was some offhand comment like 'at least my baby is nice and healthy.' What is so offensive about that? The woman went over the top calling me evil and cruel etc. they could never speak to me again. I can't remember the conversation as it was 18 years ago now. But I couldn't remember the conversation at the time because it was months later when I found out I'd been abandoned and asked why.
So I don't ask people what it was anymore because I don't want to be attacked. Very weird behaviour.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.