Snowy Owl
Joined: Feb 18, 2005
Posts: 145
Location: Upstate New York
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:44 pm
Post subject:
I have a difficult time with this...I feel
like I need people to know all the bad
things about me, all the problems I have,
all the things in my past or else I am
lying to them(obviously, I know I am
not lying, but it still feels like it) As I
have contact with a fair amount of people
through church and my mother's and sister's
friends, (not like I actually have any friends
myself!! ) this would be rather difficult to
achieve. my Mom says it's best not to tell
people, so I don't but I sometimes have this
urge to go up to people and say "hi, I have
Asperger's syndrome" just so they know.
is anyone else like this? It doesn't matter
if said person is my pastor or just behind
me in line at the store..I want people to
know!! But I don't tell anyone outside the family.
PS-Chadmaster, I like your signature, too!
Louisa ]
Something a transgender person at my
Frontdesk job said strikes a good chord
here. I explain to her that I am autistic
and she said "I thought there was some
wiring missing" and you definely lack
empathy. "I like you anyways", and
we continue a discussion on other things.
Then later she said, "We all have problems,
what 's the issue"? Hmm? Using this
point of view and my explanations of
autism to a few controlled dialogue's(people
I trust) I have come to the conclusion
the telling it to others is not as important
as the awareness of how you use this
Mind You, I am a firm supporter of support
groups and their affectiveness, too bad
San Francisco is not that place to find one.
WWW.WrongPlanet.Net is very good as one,
just too bad I can't say what I would like
face to face, but oh Well!
I hope this gives some insight.