122112 wrote:
I think I have finally learned some secrets about perfect eye contact. Take notes!
If you are talking then you do not have to make much eye contact at all but when you are finished and expect a response you must glance back at them. This is the cue for "its your turn". If they are talking then you must look at them at least 3/4ths of the time, although I only do about 1/2 the time.
It is also very customary to give around 1 seconds glance in many situations. Such as passing someone in the street. Or maybe noticing an attractive person in the room your in or something. After this exchange if they want to get to know you better they will look back again. This means come talk to me.
Hope this helps
Sounds good, I will try. Thank You
Spazzergasm wrote:
yeah, that's true! unless your really creeping her out.
Yes I expect most of the time if people look away it is not because they feel attraction but because they are scared.