Me mum had a lot of cats when I was growing up. We adopted our first kitty in 1996 and then had two for a long time. My gamma dropped off one of the kitties because it did a flying karate-chop at our dog Huggibear. But then we got another kitty, Mama-san. She had nine kittens total, two of them died. One of them had more kitties, and that process continued to happen. Mum has thirty-two cats now, me thinks. But among the thirty-two kitties is my baby Belladonna.
When Bella was a kitten we ended up giving her away to my friend Jiah because we had too many kitties, but then Jiah had to give her back when she was almost fully grown. For the first few weeks Bella stayed in my room and wouldn't let anyone touch her. She was really defensive and aggressive and would bite and scratch everyone. She made an exception for me after a while.
She's my best kitty friend and we both understand each other really well. She misses me just as much as I miss her. I'm not allowed to bring her here because this house has dogs and she would explore downstairs where the dogs would get her. I do have a kitty here but it's not the same.
Bella has become an outdoor kitty ever since I moved out of mum's house, but when I go home for a visit she'll come right in and wait by my door for mandatory cuddle time. When she doesn't come inside right away I use my brother's whistle to call her.
It's really apparent that I'm Bella's favorite. She's such a sweetie when she's in my room cuddling with me, but as soon as she's not she wreaks havoc on the household, attacking the other kitties and being really fussy in general. I often compare her to White Fang. When she's not in my room and I pet her she growls and bites and scratches, but I don't mind it, to me she's just showing affection. My family doesn't quite understand that though. They often say that she's unhappy with me petting her and that I should stop.