Just had to get in on this one, I wouldnt class myself as misanthropic or sexist or bigoted, my disgust, disappointment, sadness and interest in the extinction of humans is very generic, Im speciesist and okay with that *wants a "I hate humans" badge*. . .
I hate humans because their egocentric arrogance leads them to things like genocides, war, entirely selfish exploitation of ecosystems, corrupting science etc. .. and im sure a world with just me would be better off, i could do Better than them you know?
and I hate humans, gay, straight, black, white, "normal" not "normal", there are a precious few who are "okay" of course, just scraping the barrel but, tolerable IMHO ( ) because of how easily their fear, arrogance or just plain weakness/immature leads them to things like racism/bigotry
. . . yeah, Irony.
with a moments reflection i realise that I hate humans, because on some level, i hate me, this entire finger-pointing "humans are bad Mmm'kay" post i made has revealed that i am utterly no different from that which i despise.
But in the interests of Holisticness and perhaps brightening someones day, guess what? we've all been fooled.
It is not infact as bad as we see or hear, what's really going on is the minority are making so much noise and having so much impact that the majority believes that whats in the newspapers, on TV and in magazines is "normal", is the Rule not the Exception, and so believing that the world is full of bad people or full of very very beautiful people, the diverse majority feel they must either keep silent or conform.
Finally for once, It IS the Media's fault (and the stupid humans)

I like people very mch. Most of my problems with them is my sensory problems makng it hard for me to be around them. And, I have to stop myself from getting involved in arguments as it often doesnt turn out well. am also not very popular person. I dont have that midas touch with them.
Women are more confusing them men but they are good people, just as good as men, dont understand why women would be more hated... they are just as intelligent too I find.
So I would say that no matter how mch the world gets me down with people I am just too interested in them to feel any lastng dislike towards them.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
This is what makes eg. a show like NBC's "To Catch A Predator" a perversion by itself (it's been widely criticised for its methods). There are serious indications that many if not all of the supposed predators were entrapped by the person in question pretending to be a 13- or 14-year-old in the sense that these supposed 13- or 14-year-olds probably instigated sexual conversation and made a lot of efforts to actually meet the supposed predators, leaving these men to believe that some underage person desired to have sex with them. Now you can say what you want, but I doubt many single male adults would dismiss such an offer even if it had never entered their minds before, especially if they do not have the necessary intelligence to rationalise the offer and ignore it. Especially when a crime appears victimless, only few people will still see it as a crime and even fewer will see it as something immoral.
I would hope that most men would think "Ewww, that is like someone's little sister. I will go and chat with someone closer to 20... 13 or 14 is insanely young.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.
Oh, and women are even worse. Don't even make me go there. I've frequently contemplated of moving from women to men because I'm quite near hating women, but my disinterest in sex with males just forces me to reconsider women over and over... The irony of life, I guess...
I wonder... Is it just me or do you guys recognise that sentiment?!
Repeat after me. You do not hate women. You only hate self-important, self-absorbed, drama queenish users.