Markendust, I know exactly how you feel! I'm 25, and finally have accepted that I'm an aspie. It took me some time to come to grips with the fact. For the longest amount of time I was in denial. I often feel lonely - not so much that I don't have any friends, but rather the fact that I feel doomed to be the quintessential geek of the group. What I wouldn't give to be respected - someone other people go to for advice!
On the plus, side my obsession with language and writing has given me somewhat of a gift of writing. However, it seems like no one really cares that much for writing. Nor does it seem that people care much for my obsessions in general (e.g. orthography, linguistics, the history of words and language).
I also know what it is like to struggle with faith. I have gone through several "crises of faith" over the years. I often have been angry at God for giving me so many problems and apparently making me such a loser. I know there is a purpose for everything, but sometimes it seems that the purpose is hard to see. Although I have often questioned and struggled with God, I never have abandoned my faith. Every time I start down the road of atheism, I realize how dark a path it can be and how close I can come to nihilism. It is those moments that I turn back to God. I take comfort in the fact that I have made it this far, and even in the darkest hours I find solace and meaning in God. It seems like the book of Psalms expresses many of my feelings. In of the psalms, it seems that the author is angry at God, only to end to give everything into God's hands. Psalm 139 which states "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" is especially inspiring for me.
Anyway, sorry about the lecture. I just want to say - hang in there!