caissa wrote:
Yes this would be me. Funny as I was just thinking about this.
As a young child it was difficult for me to make friends but i normally had one or two other kids I could talk to, who would play with me at recess. In high school again I could keep about 2-3 friends, I got some enjoyment out of talking with them and spending time with them. But as I got into adulthood I found it increasingly stressful to socialize with people and eventually it reached a tipping point where I decided it was not worth it. And when I do try to socialize, have fun, be one of the crowd, I am always slapped with a rude reminder of how bad my social skills are and/ or how off-putting I am to people for some reason.
Once I ventured out to join a conversation 3 neighbors were having. I tried interjecting the same comment 3 or 4 times over-- I thought it was a fairly funny, apropos comment-- but they acted like I was invisible. This happens to me so much in social settings it is ridiculous. It's like my voice is muted to other people.
When I got online I thought that a major obstacle-- my difficulty conversing-- could now be circumvented. I do find it a lot easier to type out my thoughts. But even online I found myself just making an idiot of myself. I think I'm finally coming to the realization that I am not meant to be a social person. I do have a handful of people whom I talk to and briefly socialize with outside of my family but it is extremely limited and I often wonder if even that is worth it. Thankfully I don't feel that lonely. I do get the desire to talk once in a while but I guess that's what message boards are for.
Ya happened to me too.
I cant join in a group they find me peculiar so i keep out
Once i remember a lady in my building taking her son to join a drawing class with her friends son
I asked her can i come she tried avoiding me with excuse that she wanted to get her shoes repaired
so i told her to ask the drawing teacher on my behalf whether my son can join
she said that drawing teacher is quite busy and wont get time to take up any more students
But one other lady asked me to ask this teacher on my own
and now my son attends this class......this avoidance by people makes me feel more and more hurt
as a child i was mute due to voilence at home and now its worse.