I have a good number of acquintances, I dont personally know how many. For me to consider someone an acquintance is someone I see frequently enough, say hi to and and talk to here and there, so its pretty loose and acquintances come and go easily, a lot of times they'll come in to my life loosely even if they've left previously. As for friends, around 12ish counting RL and online friends. However I have stricter classifications for online friends cause Ive had a lot that come and go. If we were to loosen those classifications then my # of friends goes up to around 16ish. My friend breakdown comes down to.
1 close RL NT friend
3 average RL NT friends
4 casual RL NT friends,
1 casual aspie friend
equals 9 RL friends
1 close online NT friend
2 average online/RL NT friends, I met these 2 online but we've met up in person a good # of times, so there kinda RL by now, tho I mostly communicate online and over the phone
2 casual NT online friends
2 casual aspie online friends
equals 7 friends I met online, ive met a few of them offline
so plenty of looser casual friendships, but I think thats how things are a lotta of the times for people