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18 Nov 2006, 4:18 pm

At last, squier and Red mage have found each other, and in so doing they have also found love. :heart:


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18 Nov 2006, 4:24 pm

Kahazidhea wrote:
At last, squier and Red mage have found each other, and in so doing they have also found love. :heart:

not likely, i am only in 7th grade, from the sound of it, red mage has graduated... besides, i don't think i am mature enough to date yet...

both physically, and in my manners :oops:

ohhhhh!! ! i see, you are joking!

my book:


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18 Nov 2006, 9:48 pm

Haha, but I'm no longer single. :lol:


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19 Nov 2006, 10:57 am

I am single now..

Anyone interested?

I have a picture around here somewhere..

I'm very cool, or so the voices in my head tell me.

I'm not really looking just playing around, and its always good to make sure, just in case :)

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!


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19 Nov 2006, 11:26 am

One thing that I don't like (when people do to me) is try to be my best friend..

I had a friend like that.. I dont know if he was aspie, himself, or what.. He would agree with you on EVERYTHING.. Thats fine when I meet you, we dont need to fight, but 5 years later? He would tell me what I wanted to hear then later, if it were 'plans' for the evening he didnt agree with, he'd get all depressed and sad over it.. Then he confuses the hell out of me because he never opposed it..

So if you're out to make friends, here's a few kick ass tips for you:
- Don't correct them if they are wrong on something - let it slide
- Ask them to talk about themselves.. Find something on them, anything.. The more you encourage THEM to talking about THEMSELVES the more they will like you.. Generally, I like people who talk to me and ask me questions but we all know how many people ask questions in life.. The odd thing is they may start talking to you and asking you questions as well
- If they laugh and you dont know why, smile at them.. Smile at them anyways, just dont be a freak about it
- Learn their name - do so by repeating it back to them ("So, Jim.. I see you like fishing, been on any trips?") OR if you still cant remember it, try and associate their name to something you will remember (I met a Wendy who was "big" so I associated her name with Wendy's fast food and I never forgot her name.. for those names I didnt do that with, I've forgotten them (I cant ask their name now, its been 3-4 months))

I've learned one thing being a Canadian.. When I meet people from India or Europe or whatever, I tend to want to learn about them and where they are from - this is an awesome starting conversation as they always love to talk about their country.. I met a couple from India at a party and he came up to me and asked me about myself, specific questions like "Where do you work, where are you from" and not "so tell me about yourself.." We talked about everything our countries had to offer.. He liked Cricket, so I asked him how you actually play it, in return, he inquired about hockey.. We traded conversation - When I felt I had caught up to him in conversation, it was his turn, and he did the same for me - I hope to meet him again..

I've also talked about nationalities with a fellow from Nigeria, Romania, China, and Vietnam..

Its the 'give and take' of conversation.. There are books I can recommend that really hit the mark


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19 Nov 2006, 1:41 pm

Corvus wrote:
One thing that I don't like (when people do to me) is try to be my best friend..I had a friend like that.. I dont know if he was aspie, himself, or what.. He would agree with you on EVERYTHING.. Thats fine when I meet you, we dont need to fight, but 5 years later? He would tell me what I wanted to hear then later, if it were 'plans' for the evening he didnt agree with, he'd get all depressed and sad over it.. Then he confuses the hell out of me because he never opposed it..

My former best friend (with AS) did that too. It pissed me off so much that I eventually just accused him of being dishonest with me. Of course he didn't take that too well... in retrospect though, it wasn't his fault for doing that to me. It's just that he had so many bad encounters before with other people that he learned that the best way to protect himself was to force himself to be a sycophant so that people would not berate him for his own desires and opinions. Yeah I fscked up.

I met a couple from India at a party and he came up to me and asked me about myself, specific questions like "Where do you work, where are you from" and not "so tell me about yourself.." We talked about everything our countries had to offer.. He liked Cricket, so I asked him how you actually play it, in return, he inquired about hockey.. We traded conversation - When I felt I had caught up to him in conversation, it was his turn, and he did the same for me - I hope to meet him again..

This is the kind of conversation that I'm able to sustain with strangers and enjoy it. It gives me the passion for travelling and understanding different cultures. 8)


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19 Nov 2006, 7:49 pm

Haha, good advice Corvus. :)


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22 Nov 2006, 4:51 am

[quote= If you think about it, all online relationships are is last ditch efforts to find somebody. They will rarely, if ever stay true as a true friend in real life would.[/quote]

Well said, and I agree completely. Unfortunately, it's only recently that I've really started to use the internet for such things, which I suppose only speaks to my own desperation. I know in the back of my mind that probably any and all time I devote to improving my social situation throught the internet will have been in vain, but I do it anyway. I've got nowhere else to go at this point...


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22 Nov 2006, 8:14 am

Here is my advice.

Don't talk weird. Play sports and well. Be talktive but don't say weird things, don't be shy, like music, know every ret*d band on the planet.

Well, I can't help how I talk. People here in the south say "your not from the south are you" what is your accent? I HAVE LIVED HERE MY WHOLE LIFE. I can't play sports, in any form, I suck at throwing a ball, so people think I am a "sissy" for that, which is not true. I would love to be able to, but my body will not let me. I am shy around people that do not give me the time of day....I am talktive around people who do, but they get tired of me after a while or make fun of me while just saying they are "joking". Ugggggggg.

"But in general, at first shy guys may seem interesting and cute, but it DOES get old really quick. Gets too boring."


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23 Nov 2006, 2:29 am

I still haven't made any friends. :cry:


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26 Nov 2006, 2:56 am

Kahazidhea wrote:
RedMage wrote:
Mhm... There HAS to be a way to make friends...

I think you need social skills training, and maturity because most normal 15 year old girls don't play with bionicles.

Hey!! !!
I think Bionicles are cools.
I'm 22.
The things you enjoy don't determine your maturity level.
Redmage, if you have msn, you can add me if you like. My email address is in my profile.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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26 Nov 2006, 10:00 pm

^ Will do mate! :)

So what I like Bionicles? I don't HAVE to be into girly stuff ya know...


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11 Dec 2006, 10:28 pm

RedMage wrote:
I need friends, but no one in real life will go near me... What's worse is, I no longer go to school so I can't make friends. Does anyone have any ideas how I can make friends in real life? I can't live alone like this any longer...

I have a few online friends, but not many because I scare them away. :cry:

i have a great idea, you have gotta hear this one well ill be your friend in real life i only live 40 km away from you.