I'm on-side with a lot of the posts here. While I do have a lot of space-requirements, I start to feel lonely and out-of-touch with the world when I don't get my social quota. In the company of others, activities like watching a show or playing a game don't satisfy my social needs. I actually need to connect on a mental level; I need conversation (not smalltalk).
After university, I moved far away from the place I grew up and the few friends that I had there. My social life was constrained by a difficult relationship with my wife at the time. My ex wife was incapable of talking about anything philosophical, scientific, historic, artistic, musical or otherwise intellectual. As a married man I couldn't hang with women and I find that guys don't like to expand their social circles when they're in comfortable places. In hindsight, my suspected AS probably didn't help either.
After the divorce, my social life drammatically improved (while my bank account drammatically declined) since I was free to date women. The open world was fun for a while but a little overwhelming. I eventually got married for the second time with a woman who understands me and jives much better with me. With her, I can meet most of my social needs since she's fun, intellectual and a good conversationalist. She has a social circle that consumes much of her energy so I can't depend on her to meet all my conversational needs.
I did develop a couple friendships but, unfortunately, one tragically died in a car accident, while the other turned out to be a horn-dog, flirting with my wife. That whole incident got my back up. What is it with guys who think that's okay? Anyway, now I'm feeling I could use just a bit more social contact in my life however, with minimal investment.