Does anybody else here despise alcohol?

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20 Jul 2014, 9:05 pm

in his book "return from tomorrow," dr. George Ritchie MD recounts his experience while out of body, hovering over a local neighborhood watering hole, and seeing legions of [spectral] dead dead drunks [play on words but for real] hovering over the still living dead drunks in the bar numbing themselves with alcohol. when I die I would not want to be in that position of slavering for a drink but being forever blocked from slaking said thirst.


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20 Jul 2014, 11:34 pm

auntblabby wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
is it my imagination, or are there fewer fat smokers than non-smokers? is there something about tobacco that lessens fat accumulation?

Nicotine is a stimulant, as well as an appetite suppressant. What this means is that smokers may eat less than non-smokers, and the stimulant effects of nicotine may help in burning off fat.

they need to bottle whatever that is and let me have it.

Apparently, there are actually Japanese energy drinks that contain nicotine. ... -like-app/ ... y-drinks-1


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20 Jul 2014, 11:38 pm

those Japanese, they really know how to live :drunken:


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24 Jul 2014, 7:44 pm

good to see i'm not alone on this one.
i hate both its effects and its taste.
seeing as its more detrimental to society let alone the user's health than possibly any drug i'd go as far as to say i'd be for the banning of it.
and then no one else can enjoy it either :twisted:


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25 Jul 2014, 7:09 pm

eloralouistra wrote:
I hate the taste of alcohol, although I have nothing against people who drink. It does get very annoying when people act like you're uptight and can't be any fun if you don't drink though.

Yes, this. Thank you.

And to address the "health benefits" of a glass of wine with dinner, or other minimalist alcohol intake: I believe I have read that you can get the same benefit from anything with antioxidants, including *unfermented* grape juice (my favorite beverage since I was two and MeMum stopped giving me cows milk). There are lots of ways to get health anti-oxidants without drinking a glass of wine every day.

I have fun without alcohol, and I a perfectly capable of relaxing if I'm around people who don't judge me.

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25 Jul 2014, 7:29 pm

I never drink alcohol--once in a while, I might take a sip when I'm toasting; most of the time, I fake taking a sip even in these instances.


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26 Jul 2014, 6:13 am

Sting wrote:
I literally hate alcohol and everything it represents. I have never seen such a destructive substance so praised. It seems most socializing revolves around drinking, and honestly annoys me to no end. It just seems like another thing that separates me and makes me appear awkward and "dull" than I already am. Does anybody else feel this way?

I don't like alcohol for the following reasons:
1. It's taste.
2. the way it makes people behave.
3. the way it is so heavily incorporated into social events. People act like you are some kind of uptight bore if you choose not to have any.. I don't judge them for choosing to have a drink, so why do they judge me for choosing not to?

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26 Jul 2014, 11:44 am

I hate alcohol! My stepdad was an alcoholic and was aggresive all the time. I can't stand to be around people who drink to much. I get they try to escape from reality but it's just not for me. I am glad to meet people here who feel the same way!

I am crazy enough without alcohol... :D


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26 Jul 2014, 2:31 pm

I hate alcoholic drinks too!
I remember hearing a friend of my brother saying something like this to him:
If we go to that party we can drink as much as we want so it surely will be fun!

For me, it was like if he was saying:
I don't like your "normal" personality, but if you drink and change to that "more fun" state i will love to spend some time with you! lol

This is one of the reasons i hate alcohol too.
I also saw the marriage of my mom and dad being completely destroyed because of it.
So no, i don't like even the smell.


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29 Jul 2014, 4:45 pm

Im trying to achieve more control over my own emotional processes and alcohol is just not conducive. I do drink alot of coffee which provides a much needed outlet from the constant cluster bombing of my psyche by stress and anxiety.

Alcohol represents an even more insidious form of attachment in my opinion because unlike coffee it provides a very tangible far more visceral mood uplift. Its too easy to fall into a drink when stressed routine. I also do not need any more crutches in my life. Furthermore given the fact that I despise socialising and most drinking is a communal thing it has no part in my life.

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30 Jul 2014, 7:26 pm

I love alcohol. I love a quaffable and creamy 3.5% mild as much as a heavy 9% tripel with several different flavours to it, as much as a peaty 40%+ whisky, as much as a special treat cocktail. I have a drink more nights than not, and most nights it's a drink. Every few weeks, maybe even less, I'll have two drinks. Three in a day's something of a bender for me, even if it's one at lunch then two after tea, well-spaced out. I seem to end up getting drunk once a year, usually Christmas or New Year's.

Two or three units, ie. most pub pints, and I'm happy. Two in quick succession and I'm more sociable, but getting a little frustrated with mentally slowing down, and in the middle of one and two beers I'm at that peak where I can play pool reasonably well. Three and I've no choice but to stick to the social occasion at hand before getting back to my room as gently as possible and getting a bed to sleep in. Three-plus and I'll probably feel it the day after to some extent, and even if it's a tiny mixture of guilt and nausea it's still set me back for an entire day. The drunk days, six or so drinks, and I will get hungover, and will spend at least a day trying to counteract it and will repent by not having my drink with my tea and by training more often. I can usually feel it after one, which isn't terribly surprising when I'm relatively small and slim.

I've never lived with an alcoholic, thank god. Lots of sort of hell you can go through with them, especially in formative years. I've been drinking since I was a baby since I've been given it since then. It's from my family's shared belief that alcohol is a social thing. It's a delicious accompaniment, but it's never the reason or the centre of the occasion (unless exceptionally, it's a tasting session or a beer/cider festival in which case it's the tastes that are up for discussion though I'll admit intoxication comes part and parcel with it). But for a party occasion, something else is the reason for the occasion, and not alcohol. I was first hungover aged two, but stopped drinking shortly into secondary school. I'd been put off by those I looked up to in the years above smoking so much marijuana, and how it seemed to take from them rather than give to them. It wasn't too long before I heard about the straight edge movement and independently the grimness of being a drunk. If alcohol came into it at that point I was out and I hadn't even seen the worst of it then.

Although I wanted to forever keep a clean record and to never risk being victim to alcohol's evils, I eventually gave in to a glass of red wine with a meal shortly before 16. I guess I was the classic case of a slightly self-righteous kid discrediting straight edge by not even keeping it up into legal drinking age. I got drunk aged 17, then several further times in sixth form though still nowhere near as often as peers. I've never knowingly harmed anyone in those times, thankfully as that's what I resent, although I get harmlessly rowdy and at one point I brought it all up before passing out in my own vomit. My last time was last Christmas when I was simply being offered drink after drink of champagne, and after a while I didn't notice or care when the champagne was being topped up with ale or orange juice or what. I fell asleep for a few hours in the kitchen and felt crap for two days afterwards. I don't want to feel like that again though I probably will end up that way at some point.

I still hate the idea of going on a bender as fun. I wish the first pint on a night out, the froth on my lips with the first, most delicious sip to finishing off the dregs half an hour later and feeling very content having kicked back a little, would last from 7pm to 1am but to me the first drink can't be replicated. The two biggest excuses for getting mortal at my age are house parties (slightly growing out of that age bracket now though) and night clubs. The latter are one of the worst things on earth that have ever been advertised as "fun," but that's a whole new thread. They confirm what a waste of life that world is.

A great recent development in some of my friends' maturing has been their loss of reliance on alcohol for a night out. At our end of year do I had one drink all night from the evening to 7am, my friends seemed not to have much more, and we partied down. One of my main drinking pals from university went teetotal. We like to be in control.

They're missing out on a whole world of fascinatingly-crafted beers, whiskies, wines, alcoholic cocktails, ciders etc but I have nothing but respect for teetotalers. My vices are alcohol and fat/sugar, and I won't add any other wastes of time & health to that list, especially as I've largely kicked video games for the past five or so years. Keep fighting the good fight, just let me keep what's left of our pubs.

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30 Jul 2014, 7:27 pm

And there was me, thinking I'd only written six lines.


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31 Jul 2014, 12:44 pm

Yes, I've never been into alcohol. While 99.9% of people that I know have been really drunk at least once in their lives (and I'm assuming the tiny remaining percentage will get themselves drunk sooner or later), I have actually never been drunk. I have Emetophobia (fear of vomiting), and everybody I know who has got drunk have been ill the next day especially the first few times, and I have a TRUE fear of throwing up so I do not want to encourage a hangover. And another thing is I am afraid of losing my self-awareness. I remember a friend of mine telling me that her sister (who has Fragile-X and is socially awkward) went out to a party with them once, and it was the first time this girl got drunk, and she was so drunk that she was seen dancing about with her knickers round her ankles right in the middle of the street, and some girls were laughing at her, and someone came along and filmed her on their phone then put it up all over the internet the next morning. She felt so ashamed of herself and has suffered from Agoraphobia since. I do not want something like that to happen to me.

What I hate most about alcohol is the stereotype that all people aged 17-30 drink alcohol, and if they don't there is something wrong with them.



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31 Jul 2014, 6:18 pm

I don't know what happened, I used to be able to handle alcohol fine, but as I got older, my hangovers got worse, and alcohol just ended up making me feel shittier and shittier. I like the taste of it, but nowadays I feel "off" after only one beer or cooler or whatever, and if I go into binge drinking territory (which for me is three drinks or more), I get drunk but I don't enjoy it. It could just be my body's way of telling me "dude, lay off the sauce!"


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31 Jul 2014, 6:20 pm

Listen to your body.


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31 Jul 2014, 6:22 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Listen to your body.

fine advice

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And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Hebrews 1:3