Summer_Twilight wrote:
HistoryGal wrote:
Trust me....I know what guessing games and friendships look like.
I doubt that ASD have the panache to pull it off. Remember lots of people out there call themselves ASD to excuse their nasty behavior. At some point, a person is just a bumhole.....
I agree with you because I have been more and more of it all the time and they not just nasty they are mean and think they know it all. They also act like the world revolves around them because they are special and make others miserable. Why they are so bad that they think they don't need to learn social skills because they think it's a way to cure autism. BS!
Some parents never bother to teach their children social skills. They think their children can't learn social skills because of their autism. Others constantly tell their children that they are perfect and better than everyone else. They side with their kids even when they are in the wrong.
It makes life harder for those who really have autism when people go around using autism to excuse their crappy behavior or explain some quirky thing they do.