Jakki wrote:
KitLily wrote:
All the time. I usually think I'm making friends with someone, it all seems to be going well, then one day...I get The Stare. A kind of 'WTF is this woman talking about?' expression And the shutter goes down and they sidle away out of the friendship.
Often i think, that some people can quickly get left behind in conversation . if you start to provide more information than the other party is able to have any form of reference for .
This and other speech mannerisms can cause your listener to be left in the dark , As they struggle to keep up with your conversation . Was taught by some very kind other WP
member to try to remember your audiences possible limitations .Or varying frames of reference .
I know what you mean, I think I sometimes go off on a discussion or rant or something and get very enthusiastic, and very few people can keep up with me. Especially in the small village where I live where most people were born and lived all their lives. Whereas I've travelled and done many different jobs.
But sometimes I don't know what it is that I've done wrong. I haven't ranted or gone off into an enthusiastic discussion. Sometimes I am just talking normally, or saying something that is blindingly obvious, and I get The Stare. I often feel impatient in my mind and want to shake people. 'Wake up!' 'Broaden your mind!'
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.