Twilightprincess wrote:
KitLily wrote:
Yes, I had 2 boyfriends when I was 22 years old. 1. a controlling narcissist. 2. my husband.
I was extremely lucky to meet that one person in the world who likes me

That sounds a lot like my love life although the controlling narcissist was my husband. I’ve only dated a couple people, unlike KK, who is the Don Juan of WP.
Yes, boys ran a mile from me except those couple of years of me being 22 and 23. During that time I got my first boyfriend, the narcissist (although I thought he was wonderful at the time). That went horribly wrong, then I luckily met my husband, who isn't a narcissist. He's just Mr Popular with everyone.
I can imagine KK is the Don Juan of WP. He has that air!
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.